I immagine you're quite good at that.
Cuz I have a pretty epic gaydar, and you were only a tiny blip on it.
But then again, maybe that is coz it was being swamped by stef and Richard Faggotry XD
Though why you bother eludes me...?
Is your boss a woman?
Cuz that's how I've got most of my jobs XD
having a female fag-hag boss

That, or a gay guy as a boss.
Sympathy employment FTMFW!
Ummm... School's alright, I get to come in at 11:40 on Mondays from now on, which will be nice :] And on wednesdays, I have a 3 and a half hour break between four periods XD and on fridays, I get to leave at 1Pm or something. so yeah XD Pretty epic timetable :]
Hahaha don't worry about my insomnia, love, I've been dealing with it my whole life, I'm used to it ^_^ - Though don't let it rub off onto you. It can be a real bitch when it makes your lungs go to hell, or your nose bleed incessantly.