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  • Hahaha yes, sex CAN get messy ^__^ but yeah, I no what u mean.
    we only just met eachother after all lol
    Hahaha not saying that if it happened naturally Id be disappointed XD but theres no need 2 push 4 sumthing like that. It's true, there is pressure, & I dont want that 2 b the reason that I sleep with u if I do. (although Im going 2 have 2 disagree with u on the hard work statement... With looks & charm like urs? I can't immagine it 2 b hard work 2 make happen for u at all XD)

    mmmmm, snuggles are wonderful =]
    they make me happy :3
    I already feel kind of close 2 u, despite the awkward silence that came up every now & then... but I agree, cuddling with u would b sooo nice :3

    Hahaha :] that's good! cuz I <3 being little spoon & feeling all protected & safe :3
    Well, we can swap around :p

    ^__^ u make me feel good about myself.
    I'm happy 2 wait another week :]

    Ack! I hate photos of myself with the burning passion of a layed-off alcoholic neo-nazi who was sexually abused as a child.
    hahaha I curl up to sleep too :p
    Wrap myself around whatever there is, which is sweet when sleeping with friends and awkward when sleeping with strangers lol.
    But yeah, I curl up around my pillows like a cat :p

    hahaha :p
    To be honest, I want to cuddle you most of all :3
    Which I know sounds wierd... Like... "why would he rather cuddle me than fuck me?"
    but just for now, I really do.
    Idk why lol.
    I already kinda miss you :p
    It's kinda silly, yeah, but it's true.
    ^__^ I really like you XD
    oh, that's from all the sneaking into my room at night to watch me sleep no doubt :p

    Hahaha I wasn't entirely serious about the threesome by the way :p Don't worry about it.
    I love how you emphasized the sixty. I'm not sure that is was very clean fun, the dancing got a little dirty. =P And lets not forget the revealing of our wonderful six packs..

    Meanwhile, have you read the new posts about the meeting? Jacob loves your singing voice, and I want to have you in a slumber party where we paint eachother's toenails whilst talking about our feelings and watching gay movies....not porn, movies!...unless you want to of course lol but I think Jacob would not be very happy with me....unless he's there, he's been talking about having a threesome for quite some time. XD
    I can't believe you thought the karaoke was AWFUL!...I read your message to Jacob! *dirty stare* You didn't like my singing voice? =P =P
    :3 I got some sleep and dreamt of you, and now I'm HYPER-ENERGETIC! Woop Woop! :p
    hahaha and I'll dream of you :p
    Goodnight gorgeous ^__^ *redefines the colour red, and generally puts beetroots to shame the world over*
    :3 *melts in arms* XD
    You seriously better get some sleep sweetheart.
    you can talk to me anytime.
    You have my msn?
    and I'll call you when I get credit.
    Well, I'm certainly glad i can decieve you so unintentionally :p

    But I assure you, the feeling is mutual :3
    Oh hahahaha no need to thank me for that, it was primarilly selfish motivations that drove me to your side XD

    Believe it or not, kinky masochists are quite fond of hand holding and cuddles too :3

    Hahaha you must be easy to please to put up with ME XD
    hahaha yeah, that was pretty scary, but luckilly, a one-off.
    the four-five day ones are easilly bearable.
    I barely notice them any more lol

    Hahaha I have filled your comment box :p
    You are officially mine XD
    (or is it the other way around? :p)

    hahaha is it bad that I await your messages, however mundane, with something that closely resembles giddy excitement?
    well, yes, I suppose I could still form sentences XD

    It's kind of seasonal, like 2 thirds of the year, I will sleep fine, but then 1 third of it, I will barely slee at all, for stretches as long as 2 weeks (that was the longest, at which point, I was coughing up blood from my lungs not having repaired themselves from smoking, and pretty much bed ridden from muscle degeneration and had to go to hospital. It's never been that bad since, average nowadays is about 4-5 days - which really just makes me sore and grumpy, not much else XD I guess I'm just used to it now)

    Hahahaha of course you did :p
    hahahaha what makes you think I mannage? :p

    :3 well, aren't you a gem amoungst pebbles?
    I've been awake since 7 am.... four days ago ^__^ I hate insomnia...

    hahaha I'm glad you're enjoying it :]
    ^__^ *pretends not to have had naughty thoughts popping into his head every minute or so since 2 PM yesterday XD

    You know... I think Irons last words to you may have been pseudo-affectionate... almost sweet.

    Hahaha it's 4:30 am ffs!
    Why on Earth are you still awake?
    both, and sometimes the intent behind the pain factors in too...
    Some examples: vast majority of well-intentioned pain to the neck is pleasurable
    same goes for sides...
    very rarely is pain pleasurable if done in spite
    Self inflicted pain is usually pleasurable unless it is from a sharp impliment (ie knives needles etc)
    scratching bitting and that sort of stuff is usually pleasurable
    burning pain is good, but only in certain spots on my body....

    but yeah... it's odd... kinda random, but always the same...

    My neck really is my weakspot though lol
    I have been brought to orgasm from bites to the neck and scratches down the side and nothing else more than once....
    well, yes, it comes in handy :p
    Especially because it gives me a reason to be hurt far more often than the average person, which means that I have an incredibly high pain threshold, even for the sorts of pain that aren't pleasurable to me. Ie: I am the lord of the game 'knuckles' XD

    can also be a bit of a curse though... it's easy to take advantage of.\

    Hahahaha :p
    I'm really glad that you came too.
    I figured as much, love :p
    You are adorable to the bone after all :3

    Yeah lol, thats why seb was trying to scratch my neck before :p
    Yeah... it's wierd... like it's not just a pain fetish... in completely non-sexual situations, it's exactly the same, my brain just translates certain types of pain as extreme pleasure.
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