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  1. mreditor16

    Progression Plans

    https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/students/resources/student-centre/program-planning-diagrams An exceptional resource that I bumped into the other day. Definitely helps with mapping out your degree! Would recommend using this in conjunction with the handbook though.
  2. mreditor16

    Both FINS1612 and 1613 in first year Sem1? (CS student)

    Tbh I don't know/understand much about the situation, so I have no valuable answer for that query. Sorry :/
  3. mreditor16

    Both FINS1612 and 1613 in first year Sem1? (CS student)

    From what I can see, you've decided upon a finance minor before actually completing any finance subjects. If you realise a finance minor is not for you during/shorttly after studying FINS1613, the completion of FINS1612 will be pretty much be a waste. I would delay FINS1612 by at least a...
  4. mreditor16

    State ranking

    modest :P
  5. mreditor16

    State ranking

    Marks needed for state rank do change year to year. It's not a fixed threshold, by any means.
  6. mreditor16

    FINS1613 sem1 or sem2

    Personally, as an actuarial student, I would recommend getting MGMT1001 out of the way, by doing it in the first semester of your first year. Arguably, first semester of first year has the easiest subjects, and each semester only gets harder from there! Many of my peers have decided to delay it...
  7. mreditor16

    Double degree timetable???

    There is identical content and pretty similar assessments each semester. Only thing of importance that changes is the LIC (lecturer in charge) for that semester - from what I've heard, whenever Hugh Bainbridge is LIC for the semester, MGMT is tad easier, whereas semesters when Lynn Gribble is...
  8. mreditor16

    Will I struggle in Actuarial Studies?

    In regard to double degree combinations, the first question you have got to ask is which double degree combinations interest you most. What appeals to you - combining with Adv Maths? Commerce? Science? Law? etc
  9. mreditor16

    Double degree timetable???

    Here's the link again - https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/students/accept-enrol/enrol/enrolment-guide-undergraduate 1) Well, yes, it is recommended, because for example ACCT1501 and ECON1101 are prerequisites for ACCT1511 and ECON1102 respectively. So, if you delay doing ACCT1501 and ECON1101...
  10. mreditor16

    Advice for any of these commerce subjects?

    I would recommend checking out http://community.boredofstudies.org/115/university-new-south-wales/175560/unsw-subject-reviews.html and http://community.boredofstudies.org/115/university-new-south-wales/324675/unsw-subject-survival-guides.html - as there are many useful snippets of information...
  11. mreditor16

    Is Actuarial studies for me?

    Not everyone who succeeds in actuarial studies is "naturally gifted". I will be honest with you though and say the majority of those who survive the whole duration of the degree are "naturally gifted". But that does not mean, if you're willing to put in the effort and stay consistent, that you...
  12. mreditor16

    What course!?

    This came to mind when reading your interests/preferences - http://sydney.edu.au/vetscience/index.shtml
  13. mreditor16

    Single Comm Degree vs Actl+Comm Double Degree

    Let's suppose you did ACCT1501, ECON1101, FINS1613 and MATH1151 in first semester. And let's suppose you did ACCT1511, ECON1102, MATH1251 and ACTL1101 in second semester. Now, ACCT1501 & 1511, ECON1101 & 1102, and FINS1613 directly count for your commerce degree. Also, according to...
  14. mreditor16

    UNSW's new law entry??

    "Year 11 students who wish to sit the LAT prior to their HSC year may do so. Your LAT result will be valid for two years so you can use it to apply for Law in 2018" - Pretty nice of UNSW to offer this! Good on them! (Y)
  15. mreditor16

    Picking a stream

    Looking at the required subjects for the quantitative risk major (http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/plans/2016/MATHR13956.html) and the handbook page for your desired program (http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/programs/2016/3589.html), from what I can see, it seems that...
  16. mreditor16

    FINS1613 sem1 or sem2

    I was actually in an identical dilemma last year and I got people's advice here - http://community.boredofstudies.org/136/australian-school-business/333310/fins1613-vs-mgmt1001.html - I think it's definitely a worthwhile read for you. I do agree overall with what RoT said. UNSW Business School...
  17. mreditor16

    Double degree timetable???

    According to UNSW website (https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/students/accept-enrol/enrolment-guide-undergraduate), "You need to enrol in the following three Commerce core courses plus one Arts course: * Choose THREE of the following courses: - MGMT1001 Managing Organisations & People - ACCT1501...
  18. mreditor16

    Future Commerce Student needs a bit of your help

    Don't think I have insights to offer but bump!!
  19. mreditor16

    Should I do a double degree?

    Here's an oversimplified explanation to try to get you to understand. Every single student studying at unsw, in all single and double degree undergraduate programs, are expected to do four subjects a semester. Now, the actuarial studies degree by itself is three years and the commerce degree by...
  20. mreditor16

    Should I do a double degree?

    If you do the combined double degree program of actuarial studies and commerce, your workload per semester is exactly the same as the single actuarial studies degree. You still do four subjects per semester. It's the duration of your studies which increases (an extra year) I would look at the...