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  1. Q

    Raw Marks Database

    Alignment is not linear - a 60ish in MX2 will go up to 80 whereas a 99 will go to a 99 :(. With scaling, both of these move up to not-so-different ATAR equivalents.
  2. Q

    Raw Marks Database

    Outcomes fam... someone who got 57 was able to *almost* satisfy what is classified as a “band 5 outcome” in the new syllabus.
  3. Q

    Raw Marks Database

    Alignment occurs because marks are outcome based i.e band 6 in English might be “demonstrates outstanding understanding...” band 4 might be “soundly ...”. You don’t need a 90+ mark to show “outstanding understanding”. If someone this year was able to scrape all those descriptive outcomes with a...
  4. Q

    English help!!

    I did standard english and did decent so yes it's possible to do well, but not particularly easy since you are marked alongside the advanced cohort (common module). EALD is completely seperate so you aren't competing with the advanced english students for high marks. If you are competent at...
  5. Q

    University English Requirement

    Yes - but aim a big higher than band 2 if you want unsw eng. a solid English band 4 (with good results in other subjects) should comfortably get you there.
  6. Q

    Maths at Usyd vs UNSW

    people seem to think unsw has the more “fun” societies
  7. Q

    University English Requirement

    Some interstate unis have an English requirement since it’s not compulsory in SA (I think) but generally it is assumed you would’ve done some sort of English. Afaik there is NO course where you need advanced over standard. Getting a band 3-4 in either course will not inhibit your application :)...
  8. Q

    Who is going to Macquarie 2021

    I was last year but I left - I am now at unsw doing econ :)
  9. Q

    MQ Chatter Thread

    There is no nursing degree at MQ. Since nursing is an 3 years undergrad degree you might as well go straight into it (eg at USyd, ACU, WSU, UTS, Notre Dame?) rather than doing a 3/4yr degree at MQ and then doing a 2 years master in nursing or 2ish year graduate entry bachelor of nursing
  10. Q

    Business Textbook please

    core econ is pog
  11. Q

    Lowest target ATAR to get into postgrad medicine?

    Depends on the uni but usually mature aged students have to do the STAT test or a diploma or otherwise. Usually the more generic degrees are more accessible e.g. BA or BSc (but I remember meeting one in actuarial so it's possible to get in a high atar course i guess).
  12. Q

    Lowest target ATAR to get into postgrad medicine?

    You could technically get a <30 ATAR and do BSc as a mature aged student and go well in the GAMSAT etc and get into med. ATAR has no bearing on this pathway. You could be a 32 year old accountant who wants to do a little career switch. You could be a bored arts-law student who doesn’t really...
  13. Q

    Is it possible to get a high ATAR of 99.95 with standard English?

    This doesn't mean 99 in standard = 70 in advanced. That's not the truth - it is talking about percentILES i.e. top 1% of standard get the same as the top 30% of the advanced cohort. The way english is aligned means that these groups (the 1% and 30%) are of equivalent English ability. Since...
  14. Q

    Is it possible to get a high ATAR of 99.95 with standard English?

    To clear up misconceptions perpetuated by certain tutoring companies, standard scales EXACTLY the same as advanced i.e. a 95 in standard will give the same ATAR boost as a 95 in advanced etc etc. Theoretically, these respective marks require the same English ability to achieve. However, their...
  15. Q

    complex number help!!

    Try finding the root \alpha and note that it is also equal to \rho + \rho^2 + \rho^4. Sub some stuff in and do some trig shuffling and de moivres and equate real/imaginary terms and you should be on your way! The clues are in the earlier part of the question. :)
  16. Q

    University of Sydney Medicine undergraduate

    Yep I'm not that bright but did p well at 4u... definitely not a genius (just had neat handwriting and a dose of good luck on the day) so I refute the idea that the best test of intelligence in the HSC is 4u maths. However, the other subjects are even more of a memory/luck game but the one key...
  17. Q

    University of Sydney Medicine undergraduate

    This is more an exercise of “let’s stop the smart kids running to unsw undergrad (and never GAMSATing to usyd in the long run) and also conveniently leeching 7 years of fees off them”.
  18. Q

    What is the policy for 4u maths at baulko?

    I think he means that 80s is quite a high mark for rank 90ish