Depends...we hire older staff (uni students) to work in the day but ironically you might have too much experience and they will probably realise you only want the job temporarily
This is one of my favourite topics :) Wrote an essay about it for uni last semester so I may have rambled a bit in my responses haha but I feel very passionately about the subject
/wow I'm so lame lol
Black pants and ugly ugly shirt (KFC)
Plus hat if I'm wearing the red shirt otherwise no hat and a collared, button up green shirt
I'd rather wear that then my normal clothes cos they get wrecked but I'd rather work somewhere else and wear nice clothes
Lol dude you can't just say the times you want to work...they won't roster you on for all the times
Also 3 hours isn't very long...dunno bout that store but my store serving shifts are 4-5 hours and cooking is around 7 hours.
Better to say Friday 4-close, Saturday all day, Sunday all day and...
Practise interviewing with a friend or family remember so you get more confident.
Style yourself to represent the store
Appear relaxed and confident (even if you're shitting yourself)
Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2
MAS240 Reader - FREE I dropped this subject so yeah if anyone wants it PM me
I also have a MKTG202 textbook if anyone wants it
Haha nah it was ok but I had to drop something because I picked up Screenwriting so Cybercultures was it :P Might do it another semester though because I think web design could be pretty interesting and useful
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Hey guys I withdrew from this unit having already bought the reader. Everyone I know whose doing it has already bought the reader so just giving it away for free if anyone needs one
Haha I've always thought this and yeah I reckon some jobs attractiveness plays a big part (like someone said promotional jobs) but if you're in retail not really. Although my friends friend works at Tarocash and she said they only employ good looking and friendly (aka flirty) females so the guys...
Hahah Asy I was thinking about doing that :P but in the end I just did it and luckily someone had obviously pulled out of a tute that could work for me so I quickly grabbed their spot.
Nah the classes weren't really at any special times they were all just really full.
But yeah now I have...
So I'm kind of in a dilemma lol I just realised today that I need to pick up another subject because it's a pre-req for a subject I want to do next semester. Anyway I want to drop another subject and pick this one up..only problem is I know the classes are really full and theres only like 2...
I don't think it's that hard to find a job if you'll take anything
My work always seems to be looking for staff and althought they do mostly hire younger people they need staff who can work during the day as well. If you have uni 5 days a week then you're pretty much screwed unless you can...
Haha don't even bother trying on weekends either. The line this morning at 11am was to the post office and beyond.
Luckily I was only picking up readers and there was no queue at all :D
Yay got all the classes I wanted but my timetable still sucks haha
2hrs monday
2hrs tuesday
7hrs wednesday
1hr thursday
Oh well I made it so I can work around my uni hours so hopefully I can work 3 days a week now