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  1. B

    200kg Squat

    Whassat? o_O
  2. B

    Beep Test...

    hehe, the lighter and smaller you are the easier endurance events are :/
  3. B

    200kg Squat

    Oh excellent! I can play "sport" in 2 months which I believe means rugby. So 2 months.
  4. B

    Beep Test...

    11.1, not bad for a 95kg fellow is it!
  5. B

    Exam tomorrow

    Ha, I agree that it's awful.
  6. B

    200kg Squat

    greetings, fellow alumni it was fine, the physio said i can do whatever doesn't hurt (this), kinda a pity benching just the bar hurts... who're you haha?
  7. B

    Exam tomorrow

    HAHA! Do you know Darvo?!???! I know all the guys in that video o_O
  8. B

    200kg Squat

    Well I can pick it up off the floor pretty fast... Not quite that fast though.
  9. B

    200kg Squat

    Yeah, I should really hang on to that air. It's pretty useful.
  10. B

    200kg Squat

    How was that girly?! Any girl that can scream like that gets a swift kick in the nuts from me.
  11. B

    200kg Squat

    Yes, please excuse the yell, it was a bit overenthusiastic.
  12. B

    Sedentary pros

  13. B

    200kg Squat

    Big milestone for me so I thought I'd post the vid :) ILsl6TFWpsU
  14. B

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    Yuck. I was drinking carlton dry; not my #1 choice, but it was free. EDIT: Shoom, it's better to not drink alcohol if you want to get strong.
  15. B

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    Okay I'm drunk so I'm going to be really blunt here; Oliver and I are the strongest people on this forum by FAR. I don't know about him, but I've been lifting for about 7 months now. I've gained 20kg and added about 200-250kg to my big 3 total in that time and remained pretty lean during that...
  16. B

    Who knew exercise was so good for you?

    There is absolutely no way that you are a straight man.
  17. B

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    Most intermediate lifters have big upper backs which create that platform. :)
  18. B

    Who knew exercise was so good for you?

    For real, Mark Henry squatted and deadlifted over 900lb raw.
  19. B

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    I can almost assure you it will be a lot less than a grand.
  20. B

    Have any of you ever had a really bad workout?

    You'll see results in 2 weeks if you eat twice what you're eating now and drink a gallon of milk a day.