Just do pullups to failure with your bodyweight.
Squatting, there are lots of form videos on youtube, but try to emulate this: YouTube - Vladimir Bondarenko squatting 445kg
That's pretty much a perfect squat. Video yourself squatting if you can and post vids here and we'll help you out.
I'd say deadlifts are the safest exercise, followed by squats, and then benching being the most dangerous. Deadlifts are not technically demanding at all and very difficult to injure oneself doing without prior injuries or massive imbalances.
Yeah, power cleans are also good because they are easier to recover from than deadlifts, but from a mass point of view they have a similar effect on your traps, quads, hips etc.
Well I'm yet to have any Greek artists make statues of me, but this is how SS changed my upperbody physique:
Lower body physique changes were similarly noticeable.
That program is specifically aimed at new lifters. Programmes do not have to contain a lot of exercises. Good programs contain one or two main heavy compound multi-joint exercises, with one or two accessory exercises.
The bench press / overhead press alternating means per workout. ie on Monday...
When people say they've "pulled" a muscle they typically mean they've done some degree of damage to the actual muscle fibres - minor tears will hurt a little and heal in a matter of days, whereas complete tears (where the muscle completely or almost completely severs) can take months and the...
You seriously expect a student to be able to gain weight on a "clean" diet?
For the record, milk is far cheaper per kilojoule than protein. It's got fats, which are desirable, and the carbs certainly aren't an issue for someone training three times a week.
Out of interest, what do you weigh...
Not doing leg curls is probably a good way to not get hamstring cramps. The concentric phase of a leg curl shortens the hamstring to a position far shorter than it will ever be in any anatomically correct use of the knee and/or hip joints. This, combined with isolating the hamstring from the...
aieeee, shoulda seen my diet when i first started lifting. my apetite sucks now because of ritalin + broken collarbone = inactivity. but the food that took me from 75-90kg in 3 months was... quite alarming! some days i hit 5L of milk.
Overhead pressing starts with the entire back in extension. Benching should be done with an arched back. At points in the squat and deadlift, your t-spine should be in extension (not neutral).