Don't worryyyy. We probably all have similar word counts unless you took long breaks or are one of those people who stop writing to think every 2 minutes... in which case, sucks to be you.
Plus my writing is relatively large in exams
And I definitely went into too much detail for Crime which...
Spent too much time on this. Ended up with 3 full booklets and was forced to write in dot points towards the end of my world order essay. :mad1:
What did everyone get for the last question?
Thank goodness I didn't sit the exam last year.
I'm not going to study my Vietnam case study in detail. Maybe just know the main points and one or two polices in case it comes up in the short answers.... but it's definitely on the bottom of my study priorities.
I put down market research, then expanded into product differentiation and adapting products to a different geographic market.
Pretty confident with that.
I misread "objectives of financial management" as just "financial management" because I'm a fucking idiot...
I'd be very surprised if I got over 12.
Pretty much bye bye B6. :'(
I am ambivalent. Scared and wanting to get it done with asap so I can concentrate on English.
In terms of preparation I still have a few things to patch up on but I think I'll be ready before the big day. :)
How 'bout yoo?
^ I don't think dumping is illegal. At least not in Australia.
Instead I think it refers to the selling of products which are considered illlegal in Australia to another country at below cost price.
Edit: nevermind, just realised this thread is like a year old.
I think it's referring to the stimulus.
"the management committee will meet in a month's time to discuss the following strategies:
- FDI as a method of expansion
- Use of equity
- Differentiating"
Can someone else confirm?
The capitalised "THREE" is a bit misleading.
Ooh can you post up the report question?
It sounds like something that could be in this year's externals due to the global/financial mix and could be good practice.
Somewhat yes. They're called Notes from the Marking Centre (Marking Guidelines) on the Board's website. Google if you can't find it.
I find the extended responses hard too :(
Especially when they expect us to have integrated answers, ie talk about 2 topics under 1 heading.