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  1. J

    ISLAM: Woman who reported rape is charged with illegal sex and then killed by her dad

    Re: ISLAM: Woman who reported rape is charged with illegal sex and then killed by her Woman who reported rape is charged with illegal sex - The National Newspaper
  2. J

    ISLAM: Woman who reported rape is charged with illegal sex and then killed by her dad

    Re: ISLAM: Woman who reported rape is charged with illegal sex and then killed by her mate anyone who says this is bad is an islamophobe
  3. J

    KRudd the fascist scum wants to know if you bring porn to Australia. /Fuck this shit/

    Re: KRudd the fascist scum wants to know if you bring porn to Australia. /Fuck this s my dad made beer once at home it made the house smelled like yeast or some other thing i dont know
  4. J

    Asian people in Australia

    im moving to Haiti
  5. J

    May 20th - Everybody draw Muhammad (PBUH)

    ducks may quack but the flock moves on
  6. J

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    abbott dosent even have any clear policies
  7. J

    May 20th - Everybody draw Muhammad (PBUH)

    Pakistan bans Facebook over cartoon Everybody Draw Mohammed Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Everybody Draw Mohammed Day! | Facebook Draw Muhammad Day 2010! lol
  8. J

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    no1 cares about this anymore jesus fuck seriously
  9. J

    Evangelists rewrite Texan curriculum

    when i said that textbooks aren't the only resources teachers use i meant that the texas textbooks aren't the only textbooks that teachers use. apparently schools get different or custom ones, and the whole thing about only texas deciding what gets taught is a bit of a a myth. Why You Shouldn't...
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    Evangelists rewrite Texan curriculum

    no dude muslims are worse the textbooks don't mean much it's not the only thing teachers teach from
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    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    snowfox stop fucking replying just ignore the penk
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    man shows students his rare trouser snake

    Man performs lewd act outside school
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    Things that annoy you.

    its ok u just gotta spend time warming up again
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    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    economics = everything
  15. J

    Hamas destroys dozens of homes in Gaza

    The Associated Press: Hamas destroys dozens of homes in southern Gaza lol thats hilarious