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  1. J

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    ffs snowfox no one even cares about the filter
  2. J

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    I think a lot of of CP comes from Russia or at least that's where it is distributed, I mean look at this: Russian Business Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An entire ISP for the purpose of distributing child porn and running internet crime.
  3. J


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! wasnt there a pakistani terrorist on Lost
  4. J

    The Hurt Locker

  5. J

    Everybody draw Muhammad day

    Everybody Draw Mohammed Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Draw Muhammad Day 2010! Everybody Draw Mohammed Day! | Facebook etc. etc.
  6. J


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! polar bears
  7. J

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    no one cares about the internet filter
  8. J

    Rudd will lose this election

    source? you don't know if they exist but you blindly accept the government's assertion that they are out there needing to be blocked with a filter though right?
  9. J

    105 dead in Libya plane crash

    ah well maybe the boy will get adopted by a nice christian or atheist family
  10. J

    Rudd will lose this election

    I'm pretty sure this has been pointed out a few times to this Lauchlan fella.
  11. J

    Rudd will lose this election

    show me some child porn websites please.
  12. J


    Salam alaykum Today at fajr time, i was at a mosque in my home town in saudi, the shiekh who is a visitor from another town in saudi was giving us a lecture on medicine, he was saying how its haram to take medicine because its drugs and how the non-muslims and Jews created it on purpose so...
  13. J

    105 dead in Libya plane crash

    105 dead in Tripoli airport plane crash: official Good. 97% of Libya is Muzlim.
  14. J

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    Fuck don't attack the source attack what he said.
  15. J

    Malaysia: Islamics try to ban Elton John

    Daily News Egypt - Full Article y so intolerant islamics
  16. J

    Senator calls for burqa ban after robbery

    we muslims are the supreme ummah you kaffirs have no right to tell us what to do
  17. J

    Abolish welfare payments to young people

    How did he lose WA's support? That's an utterly ridiculous assertion.