as muslims we are not supposed to question the creator, 'islam' means submission and we are all loyal slaves to allah no matter wat so how about u atheists just SHUT UP and go pray to christopher dawkins
atheism is just a religion anyway
Please in every salah brothers and sisters do, please do not forget to do dua for our beautiful Mujahideen who are out thier defending us from the munafiqeen and kafireen and defending our religion!! and also the ones who are in prisons from the swine eaters!
Allah Huma...
inshallah the people who say that islam is a religion of peace are either:
a) muslims
b) muslim lovers
a) will be proud of the fact that muhammad was an illiterate violent warlord but at the same time tell you it is a peaceful religion
b) actually believes: 1. that it is a peaceful religion and...
the prophet (SAW) said if u have the means to marry then marry and to marry young if you can. And so im asking you guys opinion because i feel that im ready to marry. is 13 to young an age to marry if your in puberty and ready?
marriage at 13 - Sydney Muslim Youth Forums
Schroedinger can you please prove that there are child porn websites out there that both the government and the majority of australian pedophiles know about.
I mean if the government has a list of public child porn websites do you honestly think that the only option is to spend a massive amount...