and if i decide to go into an apprenticeship, but it takes me a while to gain employment, will i still have youth allowance, even though i am looking for full time employment?
so when the hsc finishes, and i do intend to go to uni;
- call centrelink and tell them im going to uni
- ask centrelink for RA
how much are you allowed to earn with your personal employment employment (ie im currently working, and trying to gain full rate YA atm) until they start to reduce...
i hate being a chick.
- girls are bitchy little cunts
- you cant make fart jokes
- when you work in hospitality, youre autmotaically expected to be a waitress, and the boys get the shifts in the kitchen when you have to carry plates
- bleeding from the vagina once a month sucks fuckin arse
full rate youth allowance, thats the $370 isnt it?
and if you have intentions of going to university, does youth allowance continue in the period between the end of high school and the beginning of uni?
our teacher is pretty much retarded thats why its not my favourite.
not sure. contemplating between two things:
- going straight into an apprenticehsip as a chef in sydney or
- english degrees at CSU wagga.
really dont know what to do. you?
wagga is closest to where i live. if i do end up going to uni im not going far away.
and im just considering it at the moment. ive been pretty keen on entering hosoitality for a while now, but recently people have been doing the whole uni talk thing, and im starting to wonder if i should go...
and also if your living on campus, and dont have a job, how are you supposed to survive? i mean, you get youth allowance dont you?
and does hecs pay for your accommodation if youre living on campus?
"on some days i will delight you, on some days i will disappoint you, but on every day, i can assure you, i will work my hardest"
(almost) direct quote from the 27th prime minister of australia, the first female prime minister Julia Gillard.