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    Plans for starting Year 12 in a few months?

    got kicked out of home about a month or so ago. great pun.
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    Plans for starting Year 12 in a few months?

    ive now got ten. better than two unit. yuk.
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    Standard english rant

    you dont need to ignore a university trained teacher for your hsc, but you definitely dont need to feed it out like a bleating sheep with none of your own work through it.
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    Standard english rant

    im not saying the course is 'harder' than standard, im saying that he merely doesnt understand that in order to do well in the advanced course, it requires a lot more effort. both courses do involve analytical skill, in all parts of them. dont pay attention to what the teacher is saying, because...
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    Plans for starting Year 12 in a few months?

    definitely isnt. wouldnt recommend it. when i started year twelve, i dropped physics, chemistry and two unit maths, and i picked up general maths and extension english two.
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    Standard english rant

    basically youre fucked. im not trying to put you down, but you pretty much are. you cant just "start trying in adv", especially if you couldnt make a little bit of effort in standard. i would strongly advise against tutoring, but thats just me. ive never needed it and the people who i do know...
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    Standard english rant

    well you do realise dont you that shakespeare is only in one module in advanced? and the fact that the advanced course requires a higher understanding of the english language AND affects your ATAR more depending on how you perform? as in, an eighty five in standard is about a sixty - seventy...
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    Standard english rant

    definitely the type of student who can be perceived as a high level english student.
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    Standard english rant

    what the fuck? you go from standard english to extension and advanced? so basically youre retarded and you have no idea what the fuck youre doing. a) shakespeare isnt even in the extension course you noob, its in advanced, and b) extension english is one unit so youre pretty much doing a...
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    What is love ?

    you speaking from first hand experience?
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    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    im actually from sydney. moved to the country when i was fifteen.
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    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    so youd probably yell at me if i say tuesde or sunde?
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    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    yeah me boss has been telling for the first couple years or so to just work hard out, fifty, sixty hours a week and just save up a shitload of money.
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    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    no, not trippin, just considering options. if i were to live in the city obviously i wouldnt be driving, and if i lived out near bankstown id either be training it or with a car.
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    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    not sure about the centrelink payments. probably not thinking about the asian places. (not sure if i mentioned this in this thread so far or not but) i have rellies in bankstown etc who i would be able to stay with for cheap, but the only problem with that is the commute. not sure if im...
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    music revivals

    now THAT was sarcasm.
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    music revivals

    phil collins would definitely be good to see live.
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    music revivals

    are. ARE! lol