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  1. missanonymous7


    From someone who's just done 1 semester of a biology major, here's a tip: AVOID BIOS1301: Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science LIKE THE PLAGUE. In fact, this very interestingly-worded description sums it up: Try BABS1201: Molecules, Cells and Genes. It's a good...
  2. missanonymous7

    zomg, you totally did!!!! Thanks! In fact, this just made history. This is the first time I...

    zomg, you totally did!!!! Thanks! In fact, this just made history. This is the first time I have had anything more than the default amount of rep, on any Internet forum, ever.
  3. missanonymous7

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Does he need to carry an oxygen tank with him all the time? ( breathe at such high altitude?) EDIT: OK, now seriously. I just pulled out a tape measure, and it wouldn't even stand up that high. Are you for serious? ...and if so, how are you two even related? :p EDIT...
  4. missanonymous7

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    That would be just about as tall as my ceiling...the thought made me lol, actually.
  5. missanonymous7

    timetable clash?

    :spzz: Statements like that are the whole reason that smiley was even invented, imo. (The only thing worse would be 'Imagine, 8 weeks of JUST SPORT'). [/off-topic-ness]
  6. missanonymous7

    Yep. I was in the bus that went past just before you crossed.

    Yep. I was in the bus that went past just before you crossed.
  7. missanonymous7

    Someone should start an 'Omie Jay sightings thread', seriously. Saw you about to cross Eddy ave...

    Someone should start an 'Omie Jay sightings thread', seriously. Saw you about to cross Eddy ave today. :wave:
  8. missanonymous7

    lol, no, of course not. Just curious.

    lol, no, of course not. Just curious.
  9. missanonymous7

    Wow, I feel privileged! did I manage to end up in that category? :D

    Wow, I feel privileged! did I manage to end up in that category? :D
  10. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    that's crazy. It's also really stupid that they're only telling you this now. Even if you didn't read the handbook as closely as they expect, surely they must realise students make mistakes all the time? Especially first years? (and let's not even begin to talk about the mess that is the...
  11. missanonymous7

    hey, thanks for all the rep etc :) (I keep trying to return it but apparently I still need to...

    hey, thanks for all the rep etc :) (I keep trying to return it but apparently I still need to spread it around.)
  12. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    B Science, majoring in biological science and science communications. (Well, that's the plan, anyway.)
  13. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    But...they're science courses. They wouldn't count as gen eds anyway, right? (and all my science electives are already filled up) And besides, I just have this feeling me and physics wouldn't get along too well :o
  14. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    UNSW has decided to put a prerequisite (that was not there before) on a course I wanted to do as a GenEd, which I was kinda looking foward to. Now I can't do that course. :( damn.
  15. missanonymous7

    Overheard at UNSW

    You know, just after I made this thread, I was thinking "I bet no one will reply and this will just look incredibly sad and pathetic, and then Omium will make the same thread and it will be a raging success." ...
  16. missanonymous7

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    oh wow, that is pretty tall actually :) I'm about 1.7m
  17. missanonymous7

    Overheard at UNSW

    ITT: post amusing/interesting things you have overheard other people saying at uni (like 'overheard' in mX) Overheard just outside the BiBlio food place: Girl to her friend (in outraged, indignant tones): "God, they’re f*cking dumbnuts over there. I ordered a salad, right, and all they put in...
  18. missanonymous7

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Asian, right! That narrows it down! ;) lol, who knows, we might run into each other - I'm tall too, with glasses.
  19. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    A day off in a science timetable is still win, though.
  20. missanonymous7

    Hi, just wanted to say I love your avatar :) Grim Fandango is an absolutely awesome game!

    Hi, just wanted to say I love your avatar :) Grim Fandango is an absolutely awesome game!