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  1. missanonymous7

    Finished your exams yet???

    :o Yeah, I know, I shouldn't complain. The comments don't really match up to the marks though, which is why it's weird. Shutting up now.
  2. missanonymous7

    Finished your exams yet???

    that sucks :( (And it does make sense, I know what you mean.) I swear it's a job requirement for whoever marks/marked all our BIOS assignments to be cranky and overly pedantic. I read over the leaf litter thing looking for some constructive feedback in the comments and instead got a big load...
  3. missanonymous7

    Choosing Year 11 subjects

    Yeah, bio has plenty of "human stuff" (hehe) in it. Don't worry, if it was all "plant stuff" it would be pretty dull, but thankfully it's not. In year 12 bio (off the top of my head), you cover how enzymes work, the circulatory system/blood, kidney function (a bit), genetics, DNA replication...
  4. missanonymous7

    Finished your exams yet???

    So, ecology exam today was surprisingly harder than I expected. :mad1: You'd think environmental science would be one part knowledge, one part common sense and one part bullcrapping ability, but no, it also involves accurately knowing the current figure for the world population estimate by...
  5. missanonymous7

    Choosing Year 11 subjects

    :spzz: No. Senior science is the most horribly draining subject I ever did. Draining because it was so damn BORING. It's not interesting. At all. Don't ever pick senior science, k guys? Crap subject, crap scaling, crap material. The end.
  6. missanonymous7

    urgrnt help with quest

    Nah. Not quite. Vaccines stimulate the body's immune response, causing stimulation of the production of antibodies needed to fight off a particular pathogen (or antigen). This usually occurs because vaccines contain either a dead or inactive form of the pathogen, so the recepient does not...
  7. missanonymous7

    Started your exams yet???

    ...I have. First impression of first ever uni exam: amazed at just how unwelcoming the supervisors are (in comparison to HSC). I mean I'm not expecting a plush red carpet and beaming smiles and being personally escorted to my seat. But to walk into a room only to be greeted with a sudden...
  8. missanonymous7


    ...or transfer to a different degree that was more enjoyable, and hence easier.
  9. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    No, I haven't touched dry ice (mainly because they kept telling us not to touch it?), but putting dry ice in a test tube, covering it with water and then adding phenolphthphthpthphthphthalein (and something else) was the most awesome thing I have ever seen during chem labs at uni. A bright pink...
  10. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Nah, if it's what you really want to do, go for it. omg, me too. I also used to team up with a few others during bio labs in high school, grab a couple of test tube holders (the 'big pegs', not the test tube racks), and then see how many we could clip to a particular classmate's skirt...
  11. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Why don't/didn't you? interestingly I don't mind biochem that much; I understand that a lot better than all the inorganic chemistry stuff. Oh :( thanks anyway.
  12. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    the above statement is now correct for me. Just spent all day on it, and :spzz:. What's the deal: they say you need to perform to a 'satisfactory' standard (or something) in the final exam itself, does that mean I have to get at least a pass in that exam in order to pass the whole course? Or...
  13. missanonymous7

    Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in front of

    Re: Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in fron Ahahaha! Yeah, you gotta watch out for those wax people; you never know when they might start hand-clapping again. lol, in my case, I was just standing out the front of a particular store, waiting for my...
  14. missanonymous7

    Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in front of

    Re: Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in fron YES PLEASE. That has happened to me too many times to count. Usually in shopping centres though. (actually that just reminded me, someone thought I was a shop mannequin today :o That was lol.) The...
  15. missanonymous7

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    :rolleyes: Some of these are probably double-ups of previous reviews for these subjects, but whatever, here's a second opinion. BABS1201 (Molecules, Cells and Genes) Ease: 8/10 If you did HSC Bio, quite a lot of the lectures for this course basically build on the content you've...
  16. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    No, it was literally referring to meee. :o my bad for having a bizarre way of putting things.
  17. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    ...this just confused me. You do realise I am the 'black jacket girl', amiright?; or did you think I was talking about enthused? (because I wouldn't call her a 'nerdy looking chick'). (Bloody internet.) lol?
  18. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    and I spotted you again today, talking briefly to some nerdy-looking chick in a black jacket. :rolleyes:
  19. missanonymous7


    Can I ask a question myself actually, what is it about BIOS1101 that's so difficult? I've heard totally conflicting reports about it; most people (like you) seem to say it's really really hard, but on the other hand the uni emailed me saying that if you got over 75 for HSC Bio, you don't even...