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  1. missanonymous7

    Questions bout Arts & Science degree...

    Well, from what I can see here, a toxicology major requires MATH1031, and you definitely need HSC mathematics knowledge for that. For immunology you don't have to do 1031. For both, you do need to do statistics (which I'm currently doing), but so far I haven't come across anything that requires...
  2. missanonymous7

    Questions bout Arts & Science degree...

    I did the chem bridging course, and it was pretty intense. I think doing more than one bridging course at a time would drive most people absolutely insane. It cost $300 all up, and basically it covered what I think amounts to all the important parts of prelim chemistry. I found it pretty...
  3. missanonymous7

    general UNSW chit-chat

    In high school, there were SEVEN people in my grade with the same first name as me - including one girl with the same first name, same middle name, and same first letter of her surname as me. :mad1: (There you go, that's my Absolutely Fascinating Story of the Day.)
  4. missanonymous7

    MAB - Enzyme Activity

    ...but there's a pretty high chance they'll ask you a question about at least one of the three experiments. You need to know all three. It's really not that hard.
  5. missanonymous7

    The Bible

    God isn't exactly a thriller novelist - the Bible isn't really meant to be read for entertainment. However readability can also depend what translation/version you're reading too; I have a paraphrased version called 'The Message' which is written in modern everyday language, which I find very...
  6. missanonymous7

    What are some unsual things your lecturer/tutor/lab demonstrator said?

    In this morning's statistics lecture - (after giving the usual short 'Just a couple of basic rules for when we're in lectures, please don't talk when I'm talking, etc' speech): "...and also, please don't do anything else that might be distracting to other students. I remember a couple of...
  7. missanonymous7


    ...isn't it meant to be like that though? from The Low Down | Articles
  8. missanonymous7

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Meh, may as well post here as well. SELLING: Chemistry (Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino, Wille). 1st edition. Excellent condition. $85
  9. missanonymous7

    Buy/sell your textbooks second hand

    SELLING Chemistry (Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino, Wille). 1st edition. Excellent condition. $90 PM me if interested :)
  10. missanonymous7

    :( Well it's the gesture that counts.

    :( Well it's the gesture that counts.
  11. missanonymous7

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    omg. (not that anyone cares, but oh well.) Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 ARTS1300 Understanding Science&Society....82 DN T1 BABS1201 Molecules, Cells and Genes.......80 DN T1 BIOS1301 Ecology and sustainability.......84 DN T1...
  12. missanonymous7

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    +1 (again) Quietly going insane over here...:spzz: I just want to know if I have to do chem again!!
  13. missanonymous7

    Practical:- Pharmaceuticals

    OK, I'm just going to assume you haven't done any chemistry (sorry if you have and I sound a bit teacherish, lol). What you've just described is called a titration, which is where you gradually add one substance (the hydrochloric acid in this case) to another substance (the sodium hydroxide)...
  14. missanonymous7

    Practical:- Pharmaceuticals

    Do you think you might be able to post the method or whatever instructions you've been given? Because this still doesn't sound like anything we ever did when I did the pharmaceuticals topic! It almost sounds like you're trying to do some kind of titration (I don't know if you've done any...
  15. missanonymous7

    Practical:- Pharmaceuticals

    Hi, I might be able to help but I don't quite understand, what exactly are you trying to test? From what you've written, I can tell you that phenolphthalein will turn a pinkish purple colour when the solution is basic. But I don't see how what you've described relates to the pharmaceuticals...
  16. missanonymous7


    IMO, it really just takes lots and lots of practice. :o Perhaps try playing through a whole bunch of pieces that you know, with some sort of backing track or metronome or drum beat? And keep doing this a little bit every day until you get it. If you don't realise when you're out of time, try...
  17. missanonymous7

    Some q's from a Yr11er.

    Honestly, for now, holidays are for holidays (and set assessments/assignments if you have them). If you have a good work ethic (which you obviously do) during term, don't be afraid to have time off to just relax. Otherwise you'll burn yourself out too early and be useless for the HSC. As for...
  18. missanonymous7

    Subjects that you ace but hate

    True dat. I absolutely hated senior sci, and my teacher, and yet I ended up coming third in the state. :cool: yeah
  19. missanonymous7

    getting to UNSW from central

    You can also buy some prepaid bus tickets from cityrail stations, I believe. Otherwise there's a seven eleven on Eddy avenue, once you walk out of the station walk towards the street and turn left just before you cross, you'll find it.
  20. missanonymous7

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    Optimistic: HD, DN, CR, PS Realistic: DN, DN, CR, FL (or PC :o)