Wish 'data analysis for life and earth sciences' was being taught by the maths department like MATH1041 stats was, instead of being taught by BEES :(
The lab book is absolutely full of typos and errors, which is pretty damn unhelpful if you don't know exactly what you're doing in the first place.
Hey, no worries, I've been pretty busy too.
Yeah, I quite liked the first support act, Back Ted n Ted (?), but because I didn't get through the door til after the show started (the line was HUGE), I only really heard two or three of his songs. Must admit I didn't like Tim Exile so much, to me...
Re: I NEED 2U maths for Psychology degree? Or is General is better for statistics pre
I'm up to second-year uni statistics for bio, did general maths in HSC, had no problems with first year uni statistics, and so far haven't encountered any situations where I've thought "Wow, I wish I'd done 2U...
Ohhh :( you are so incredibly lucky!
I was sort of near the front too, over more towards the other side of the stage (where that Tim Exile - is that his name? he was weird - was standing) although not right up near the crash gate. There were a fair few people in front of me, including a tall...
You get the concession sticker put on your actual student ID card for uni, rather than having the separate cardboard card. (I think that's what you were getting at?)
Edit: lol beaten.
lol, nah, I don't think you're weird. Although GOSH YOU GOT TO MEET HER?? Very jealous! I was too busy making a mad dash for the last train home for the night :/
I thought the concert was fantastic! Best live show I've been to so far :) What about you?
Um, actually, it was fairly accurate. If you're constantly trying to aim for 100% in every course at uni, especially full-time students, you will burn out within the first couple of weeks and/or set yourself up for incredible disappointment come exam time. Unless you are superhuman. (Some people...
Nor have I.
I wonder if it's related to where you sit in the lecture theatre? I always sat towards the front, never noticed a smell.
*plans statistical study*
Simple solution: wear :cool:
Problem solved!
All four of my wisdom teeth were never going to come through and instead were set on a collision course with my back molars, so I had to get them taken out. It was fairly painful afterwards tbqh (obviously I didn't feel anything when they were actually being taken out thanks to being knocked...
Aren't they labelled as recycling bins, but when you look closer, it says they recycle everything? Including normal rubbish? I know I just chuck normal garbage in there, and everyone else does.
I remember him.
Does he still have completely random slides in his lectures, so that they go something like this:
"chemistry chemistry chemisty chem-- Oh, yes, this is me with a big metal gong in Thailand. chemistry chemistry chemistry..."
(Science student perspective) - imo, short questions are ok, especially if the lecturer pauses and actually asks 'Does anyone have any questions?' Note the emphasis on 'short' though. There was one very irritating mature-age student in some of my lectures who asked the longest, most detailed...
Oh ok.
Don't worry Apex, you're not the only one. The school of biological, earth and environmental sciences hasn't quite figured out the '12 weeks in 13' thing either.
This is true. (There are some places that say 'The assumed knowledge is HSC Mathematics 2U' but they're lying.)
So is this.
I did general maths, am generally not too brilliant at maths-related things, but I managed to get a high distinction in math1041. :o (Sorry if that sounds braggy...