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  1. missanonymous7

    what do you do in between lectures?

    I swear every time I went to the quad food court - or even just walked past - last semester of last year, they were ALWAYS there. ALWAYS Without fail. Regardless of time or day. (at least I think it's the same group. But that group fits your description pretty well so I'm guessing I'm...
  2. missanonymous7

    Who's up for an o-week meetup?

    I'll be in disguise. :cool:
  3. missanonymous7

    Who's up for an o-week meetup?

    Poll needs a 'Maybe I might wander past the meet but not actually introduce myself' option ;)
  4. missanonymous7

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    That's crazy! What course is that for?
  5. missanonymous7

    I do have the math1041 textbook, but I'm not selling it yet, sorry (it might come in handy later...

    I do have the math1041 textbook, but I'm not selling it yet, sorry (it might come in handy later on). However I almost never used that one! The lecture notes and tutorials are so thorough and clearly set-out that as long as you write down the worked examples they go through, you should be able...
  6. missanonymous7

    What you hate about UNSW

    I don't hate first years, but I do hate the sudden explosion of almost identical threads in the UNSW forums now. As I type this, there are currently approximately: 10 threads about enrolling or program scheduling 9 threads about timetables (...there are a few double ups in that count.) on...
  7. missanonymous7

    OK, cool - how does $75 sound?

    OK, cool - how does $75 sound?
  8. missanonymous7

    Oh, what. :( Gah, textbook publishers suck. TBH it's just an updated edition of the one I...

    Oh, what. :( Gah, textbook publishers suck. TBH it's just an updated edition of the one I currently have, and as such probably doesn't have a great deal of new content in it, compared to the older edition. (Even the cover looks exactly the same, but with more green.) Of course it's completely...
  9. missanonymous7

    Bridging courses

    Well technically they are not compulsory. Whether you pass or fail the bridging course has absolutely no effect on the rest of your uni degree, it's main purpose is to bring you up to speed on basic chemistry. So you wouldn't have to turn up to the final exam, but it's still a good idea, and...
  10. missanonymous7

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    Excellent, thank you for that. :) I guess to access the e-book I'd have to purchase the textbook brand new, in order to get a code or something?
  11. missanonymous7


    Rectangles is rubbish for first year, when it offers you upwards of 500 different possible timetables, because of all the extra tutorials available for really common subjects (found this to be the case with science anyway, not sure about other courses). However I actually found it quite useful...
  12. missanonymous7

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    Ugh, me too. :( If I bought all my 'prescribed' textbooks new from the bookshop, I'd be saying goodbye to ~$400...and then I imagine there'll be course packs on top of that. Hope I don't actually have to buy them all. Or at least, not brand new. This is why I have a casual job. btw, Psych...
  13. missanonymous7

    Rules for Customers

    Job #1: If you are sent a questionnaire, then send back the form they sent you, completed. Don't ignore the questionnaire and just send back a Certificate of Currency (or whatever it is). Not only is that bloody lazy, but I am only doing data entry, and am NOT an accountant, so I don't...
  14. missanonymous7

    Whoa...what happened to your page?? I just randomly clicked on your profile and...omg, my eyes.

    Whoa...what happened to your page?? I just randomly clicked on your profile and...omg, my eyes.
  15. missanonymous7

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    Re: What was your first day in uni like? Strange. Turned up to first lecture early (like almost everyone else did), was standing around outside with a bunch of other strangers, wondering how long it would take to make friends. A guy happened to be standing next to me and randomly asked me...
  16. missanonymous7

    Bridging courses

    Well...the UNSW one just basically hits you with a massive amount of important chemistry concepts / knowledge in the space of a month (a few days per week). I didn't do high school chem, but needed to do a chem subject at uni, so I took the bridging course, and I'm very glad I did. I almost...
  17. missanonymous7

    them Sydney Trains moments

    Re: them cityrail moments I was on a train citybound during peakhour, and so I'd been standing the whole way, close to the carriage doors, since the train was absolutely packed. There had been a kid in school uniform standing nearby for several stops. The train pulled into Circular Quay...
  18. missanonymous7

    Generic University Questions

    Depends on personal preference, but I (and a lot of people I know) prefer to group them together, with a few breaks in between. The less time spent on campus, the better IMO! Despite best intentions, a lot of people don't. It's a bit like new years resolutions. They are pretty expensive. Try...
  19. missanonymous7

    No HSC Biology

    Yeah, HSC bio isn't really essential prior knowledge, even for the first-year bio courses. I did HSC bio, but a lot of the more important stuff gets covered again by the lecturers anyway so that everyone's on the same page. You might just have a slightly steeper learning curve. It's not like...
  20. missanonymous7

    Too young for Uni?

    Heh, I was exactly the same when I started uni. It's amazing how quickly you adapt and get used to it though, I became more confident and a lot more independent compared to how I was in year 12. I'm sure you will too :)