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  1. S

    Information on Accommodation

    There's a free bus between Fenner and ANU. Can't remember exactly how frequent. Cooking is easy, don't worry about it.
  2. S

    Information on Accommodation

    You should all really stop worrying, just because you end up living in a particular college it's not like they force you to spend all your free time there.
  3. S

    Information on Accommodation

    Go Unilodge! 2 Fire alarms this year already!
  4. S

    enrolment at ANU

    I don't think you have to choose 2nd semester courses then and there, but if you're doing actuarial then you don't have much of a choice anyway. Yes, you can choose something artsy.
  5. S

    Information on Accommodation

    You don't need one, but you'll probably find it useful. Parking isn't a massive issue as long as you get in early.
  6. S

    Eco vs Comm

    Beats me, maybe to give quantitative students a chance.
  7. S

    Eco vs Comm

    You don't, that's just what is advertised.
  8. S

    enrolment at ANU

    We have a winner.
  9. S

    enrolment at ANU

    Not for non-locals, read the booklet on enrolling. If you don't have a copy find it on the ANU site. Classes start the week after O-Week, if that's what you were asking
  10. S

    enrolment at ANU

    You're gonna skip O-Week?
  11. S

    Is ANU HONESTLY Good for Undergraduate Law?

    Short answer, no. Long answer, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. S

    Information on Accommodation

    No <_< Do it anyway, I doubt they'd notice or actually care.
  13. S

    Any 2010 hopefuls?

    UL admin is getting a punch in the face if they don't tell me if I have a room soon. I've phoned five friggin times.
  14. S

    First year maths

    Actually QLD does linear alg as well, it's not that hard. But I'd agree that unless you need 1115 for later courses, save yourself the hassle and do something easier.
  15. S

    ANU's Bachelor of Engineering

    That's just a dumb question.
  16. S

    Information on Accommodation

    Was she the chick who pretended to be vegan?
  17. S

    Commerce/Economics HELP!!

    These are called "electives" <_<
  18. S

    on campus accomendations

    Go spew you propaganda somewhere else, moron.