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    UNSW 2010 Rollcall

    I'm doing the Chem stream because the Bio stream clashed with Japanese... We're doing nearly the same subjects too ARTS???? (Intro Japanese) BABS1201 SCIF1021 CHEM1031
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    UNSW 2010 Rollcall

    Advanced Science/Arts Semester one subjects: MATH1131 BABS1201 SCIF1021 ARTS1030 I seriously hate SCIF1021 already and I haven't started it because it's stopping me from doing chem :(
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    Chem and Maths

    I can't do chem this semester anyway because it clashes with SCIF1021 which is only offered in S1 and has to be done in first year :| very gay! I put down for normal maths but i might transfer over and try the harder one, that being said its pointless if i can only get a pass but a credit in...
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    Chem and Maths

    im definately leaning towards chemistry or one of the medical sciences, im not intending to do any maths after this year either... unless i have to
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    Chem and Maths

    what level of chem and maths should i enrol in? I'm doing Adv science I did 3U maths and got 90 for 2U and 37 for 3U I also got 80 for chem? should I do the normal level or advanced because i read that there are less higher marks in the standard classes
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    UAC offers open NOW!

    i spose its a matter of clicking in as soon as someone else clicks out of a server.... all about timing
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    No HSC Biology

    i think i did tlk to him about medsci, he just said dont do it because you wouldnt like it, you should do adv sci coz theres more flexibility... blunt yes but i appreciated it!
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    No HSC Biology

    I don't really remember but I have a feeling he was caucasian, why do you ask?
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    What are your final UAC preferences?

    B Science (adv.)/Arts UNSW B Nursing UOW B Medicinal Chemistry UNSW B Science/Arts UNSW B Science UOW I only bothered with 5 because my ATAR was 6 above last years cutoff for my first pref (including bonus points) so I'm reasonably confident I'll gert in
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    No HSC Biology

    So I actually asked this question at the info day last Tuesday and the guy said it was better that i hadn't studied it at all because the HSC Bio course was shit (well, I paraphrase but you could tell he wanted to say that) so I'm not worried at all now :)
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    Getting Married in Uni

    I think that there's nothing wrong with getting married whilst at uni, I don't think there's a problem with getting married at 18 or 19 tbh...
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    The McDonald's Thread

    at least let them know that you're not going to show and explain why, that way they won't be as pissed at you because they have time to organise someone to cover your shift...
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    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    Noone from my school is even going to uni in Sydney, they're all going to Wollongong or Canberra or taking a gap year :( If someone sees me outside a maths lecture at UNSW come say hi!
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    Bachelor of Arts

    im doing arts/science this year, i intend to work in science and the only reason im doing the arts bit is because i think it will be interesting and that ill enjoy it, it'll also break up the science nicely
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    Backpack or satchel/manbag for uni

    god idea, now im pissed that i sold mine although it was maroon so maybe a new backpack is the way to go
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    Clerical recheck of marks

    if your marks change do they recalculate your atar?
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    The McDonald's Thread

    yay just got an interview to Kingsford! If I get it though it will be very weird working at a different store...
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    Getting into medicine

    No probs, you're welcome!
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    Getting into medicine

    If you were to redo the HSC, where you did it would be irrelevant, the school or TAFE you go to doesn't matter, it's your rank within that institution and the marks you get in your external exams that are important. You don't seem very keen on the idea of school so maybe TAFE is the way to go...
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    Getting into medicine

    You don't actually need to do undergrad med, with your education degree you can do a grad entry degree providing that you gpa/wam is high enough, then you sit gamsat go to an interview and hope to get in! if your gpa/wam isnt high enough then resitting the HSC is probably a good idea or doing...