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    terrible classical music jokes

    its paticularly applicable to trumpeters though...
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    terrible classical music jokes

    What do you do with a bad musician? give him two sticks and call him a percussionist what do you do with a bad percussionist? take one stick and call him the conductor
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    Who's Going to one of the other campus'?

    I was going to do nursing at shoalhaven but i decided I'd rather move out and just go to the main campus
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    No HSC Biology

    I was reading through all the different majors in the science handbook to give mean idea what I could study and what sort of subjects I should think about doing next year to keep my options open. Most of the ones I thought sounded pretty interesting said maths, chem and bio in first year. Thing...
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    Nursing, UTS or UOW?

    This is basically my original train of thought but I like to really push myself and know that I'll get bored with a run of the mill type course persay... I know nursing isn't an incredibly 'academic' type of endeavour as opposed to science or something but I'd still like to be challenged to an...
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    why do i get the feeling most people want to do med for the money

    yes, an '11er woukld definately know this if it is such a small component why is it assumed for every undergrad med course in the state? seemed like a good idea at the time? what an epic fail troll, go grow up
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    Nursing, UTS or UOW?

    I just know HEAPS of people in wollongong who i could get into a share house with... I'm from ulladulla so there is virtually no public transport here, 50 mins from a train station and one bus a day to sydney...
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    Tanning: yes or no

    fake it dont bake it... some fake tans out there are really good nowadays
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    Nursing, UTS or UOW?

    The thing for me is that it would be impossible for me to commute to either uni, at least 3 hours by public transport to UOW and I'm not paying for that amount of petrol to drive, it would be closer to 5 hours to go to UTS, and that's just one way. I didn't realise that you could specialise...
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    why do i get the feeling most people want to do med for the money

    this. seriously though, with the fairly rigorous interview process I'm sure a lot of these people are weeded out, the intervew is so full on and emotionally exhausting that you couldnt hide an underlying motive like that for 45 minutes
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    Nursing, UTS or UOW?

    Next year I'm thinking of studying nursing but I'm torn between UTS and UOW... So I've heard how fantastic the nursing faculty at UTS is and that they offer the best degree in the southern hemisphere yadda yadda yadda I've also heard that the nursing degree at UOW is really good, probably not...
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    The McDonald's Thread

    unfortunately not everyone has this luxury, i work with a store of dickheads (with a few notable exceptions)
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    The McDonald's Thread

    I know 18 yo casuals get 13.93 so a little bit less for part time i spose
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    are you lonely?

    I know there are 2, maybe 3 friends from highschool ill be keeping in contact with because theyre all staying home next ear whereas im movingt to sydney ... we're not that close anyway
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    are you lonely?

    ^^ and there was me thinking my social life would get a boost at uni...
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    Answers to Accommodation/Colleges questions at UNSW

    yay, im really looking forward to moving out of home and stuff it'll be great!!!
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    Who is going to UNSW?

    International science YAY (providing that I get in silly no 2009 cut off to give me an indication)
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    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

    yes, I am the size of a woolly mammoth *rolls eyes* seriously why is fat the most common insult on here?
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    Most drunk you've ever been [where and when]

    or my family are all alcoholics and have been for 5 generations ... there is a genetic factor in alcohol tolerance so i think that probably contributes.
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    Who else feels good after a good workout?

    It takes a great effort for me to go to the gym because I feel uncomfortable but when I finish I feel all happy for actually going :)