My English teacher...where do I start. She goes on and on about things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, when she should be focussing on more important things or, here's a thing, SHUTTING UP AND LETTING US WORK. When setting work, she is always vague about what is actually...
Let's see...
1. My Advanced English teacher. I almost fall asleep in her classes, she just goes on and on about nothing and when she sets work, she is always very vague about what is actually required. I have an in class essay due Monday week. God help me...
2. My Business Studies teacher...
I'm doing pretty badly in Mathematics (2 unit), and am thinking about dropping to General Mathematics. My question is, how easy/hard is it to get a 90 in the HSC in General (which is what I need to prevent negative scaling)?
My school's new uniform (for some reason, after 20+ years they decided to change) is absolutely revolting. Thankfully there's a 2 year transition period so I can still wear the old one :)