Search results

  1. C

    is a high ATAR still possible?

    My school is ranked in the 300s, someone got 99.95 a few years ago. So, yes.
  2. C

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: Year 11 2012 Chit Chat Thread How did everybody's yearlies go? I got ranked first in General Maths and Economics, Advanced and Extention English...well let's not go there, ranked 2nd in Business Studies and I don't know about Legal or SOR yet.
  3. C

    Help! How to cram for eco?

    My teacher recommended these YouTube channels for economics:
  4. C

    What are you going to miss about high school?

    I'm in year 11, so I still have another year of high school, but I think I will miss: - The chilled, carefree atmosphere of high school. - The social side of things, so many people (esp girls :D) to talk to. I've heard uni is different. - Mucking around in class - Parts of our school culture...
  5. C

    can i repeat year 11 ?

    Move on to Year 12. If you don't get the ATAR you want, you can always repeat Year 12.
  6. C

    Leaving School

    Well it's just over a year away for me, and I am pretty sure i'm going to really miss school.
  7. C

    School Formal

    What school are you at? Just curious, as it sounds like my school (we have international students too that don't do the HSC).
  8. C

    Agro teacher story's

    I have a fair few 'agro teacher' stories from over the years. I had one particular teacher for French in Year 8 and Year 9, she raged at least once per lesson, usually at something fairly trivial. I remember in Year 9 a student typed in 'Mrs ---- is an asshole' into Microsoft Sam and played...
  9. C

    My Chances of Getting Into Selective Schools ( Hi I'm new :D)

    Are there any selective schools in your area? I know Kooringal High in Wagga Wagga is partially selective, but that is probably a little far to travel.
  10. C

    Failing English?

    I'd like to get 80+ in both Englishes in the HSC. What kind of marks do I need to be aiming for for this?
  11. C

    need a job!! any recommendations for an 18 yr old?

    McDonald's. I know what you're thinking, McDonald's is a drop kick job for 15 year olds. But trust me, it is not as bad as you think! From what i've heard, it's the best 'fast food' type job. The pay isn't too bad either, it's above minimum wage. I get just over $9, and i'm a 16 year old...
  12. C

    have an interview for maccas soon. need opinions!!

    McDonalds interviews are piss easy. All they asked me was my availability, what subjects I was doing at school and what I planned to do when I left school, and BAM I got the job. I'm currently in the training period, it goes for 13 weeks after your first shift. For me (a 16 year old) the pay...
  13. C

    Failing English?

    I am usually getting slightly above the class average mark.
  14. C

    Failing English?

    But is getting 70% bad?
  15. C

    Failing English?

    I'm really not doing too well in English (Advanced and Extension 1). My assesments in both have been averaging around the 70% mark, low B range. How can I get my marks up, my teachers (particularly for Advanced) are boring and are very difficult to pay attention to, and i'm finding the Extention...
  16. C

    What has happened to Rate My Teacher?

    It's happened at my school too. Don't worry, similar thing happened about a year ago, all spam listings removed.
  17. C

    When will Ruse's #1 position streak end?

    Any non selective private school that also offers IB has about as much hope as a comprehensive school in getting top spot. My school also does IB, and 90% of the 'smart' people are doing IB as opposed to HSC. The HSC dux last year was 95. According to one of my teachers, my school is...
  18. C

    I think I might end my life... it's too painful

    If you're doing 2U maths, maybe drop to General? I did and havn't looked back.
  19. C

    Worst/Best subjects!?

    Ease General Maths: 10/10 Studies Of Religion: 9/10 Business Studies: 8/10 Economics: 7/10 Advanced English: 7/10 Legal Studies: 7/10 Extension English: 6/10 Intrest Business Studies: 8/10 Economics: 8/10 Legal Studies: 7/10 General Maths: 6/10 English: 4/10 SOR: 4/10 Workload: Extension...
  20. C

    4 Unit English

    Nah i'm not picking it up. I'm really hating Extension 1, would drop it if it weren't for scaling.