Search results

  1. S

    Sorry guys but it's another ATAR estimate

    Okay, ideally I want an ATAR of 80+. With my ranks what do you think I can get? Advanced English - 4/20 Ancient History - 3/60 Biology - 15/60 Chemistry - 28/47 History Extension - 3/13 Mathematics - 35/50 School rank is early 300's Thanks for any help.
  2. S

    Related text for Ted Hughes Birthday Letters

    Hey guys, For this module I am finding it really hard to find a related text for Birthday Letters. I need a text that is not related to Ted Hughes or Sylvia Plath. I am already doing the movie Sylvia. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help. :)
  3. S

    Can audiobooks Improve any part of english???

    I also don't see how they could possible help with spelling or grammar. They can be useful in helping someone to learn how to read a senetnce properly. Like where to pause and help gain an understanding of sentence structure? I think...
  4. S

    Post Your HSC Timetable!

    How about graphics technology? or dance written?
  5. S

    Help me with rankings?

    okay thanks! Mid 80's is better than i expected.
  6. S

    Help me with rankings?

    Say bottom 15?
  7. S

    Help me with rankings?

    Any suggestions to my other question?
  8. S

    Help me with rankings?

    Okay thanks. Lets say I can achieve a top 5 rank for Ancient History, English and Ext History and a top 10 for Biology but I don't rank all that well for Chemistry and Maths, what will happen then?
  9. S

    Help me with rankings?

    Hey all, I was just wondering if you guys could help me estimate what rank i would need to be able to achieve an ATAR of 80+. My subjects are: English Advanced - (25) Biology - (65ish) Chemistry - (35ish) Mathematics (2 unit) - (60ish) Ancient History - (65ish) Extension History - (13)...