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  1. S

    Bad grades prompt surge in university death threats

    Yeah I agree with you. Who cares how much they are paying that kind of behaviour should not be tolerated.
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    Sherlock Season 2!!

    HAHA no problemos.
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    Sherlock Season 2!!

    I couldn't wait. It killed me knowing it was out and I wouldn't be watching it any time soon. I will still of course watch it on TV but I couldn't wait for that. I won't spoil it. All i will say is it was good, so so so good!
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    Sherlock Season 2!!

    Have any of you seen the newest episode? IT IS AMAZING!!!!
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    Dr Who

    HOLY SNAP! 19!?! Wow. Would never ever have said 19. Shocked. This is like the time I found out the brother in Hannah Montana is 32 years old. This is less extreme though.
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    Dr Who

    I just watched it and yes it was really good! It was so sad at one stage, i got a bit teary eyed. All ended well though. I will have to watch it again on iview tomorrow I think.
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    Dr Who

    Oh good. I am so excited! Cannot wait for 7.30 to come already!
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    Dr Who

    HAHAH Holy crap. I don't even remember her appearances... Might have to re-watch, again.
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    Dr Who

    For the life of me I only remember Rose coming back once in series four. But my brain has basically stopped working since the HSC so I am probably wrong.
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    Dr Who

    Is it just me or have Amy and Rory been around for a really long time? I really like Craig Owens! He is soooo funny! I think Craig would make a great companion.
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    Dr Who

    Good. They are my least favourite companions. Along with Martha Jones.
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    Dr Who

    Donna all the way! So damn funny. Love Catherine Tate!
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    Dr Who

    I can't wait for the christmas special too! Anyone know when the new season is airing? I heard it was airing in accordance to the American ratings season?
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    Dr Who

    I didn't really like the 8th Doctor. I think Peter Davison was pretty cool too. Anyone like him?
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    Dr Who

    I liked Eccleston. But he wasn't around long enough to really become a favourite. You know who else was cool? Tom Baker. Got to love that scarf.
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    Dr Who

    Yes! Exactly. I just want them to die. So damn sick of everything revolving around Amy.
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    Dr Who

    Everyone has their favourite Doctor. Tennant was mine.
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    Dr Who

    Yeah me too. Loved Tennant. Still love Doctor Who but I swear I hate Amy and Rory, The Doctor needs new companions!
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    Triple J Hottest 100 2011

    Best song of 2011: Norgaard - The Vaccines. Such an awesome band!
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    Dr Who

    Everyone going to watch the christmas special this year?