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  1. S

    Who here is heading to UNSW in 2012?

    B Education/B Arts for me :)
  2. S


    Yeah I think I will go to the info day. Thanks for the advice.
  3. S


  4. S

    Is there UTS bonus points for Arts degree?

    Have you seen inpUTS? I think that would apply to you :)
  5. S

    Should I drop history extension?

    I did history extension this year. It is boring but if you find it easy you should keep it. It can seriously help pull up your marks a bit, it did for me. As the project goes, i did mine in two days and still got over 90% for it.
  6. S


    Few of my old teachers said it and a few people from UNSW said it. Mind you they are doing science and engineering degrees so their word can't be taken as true i guess. Anyone else heard anything?
  7. S


    Does anyone know if the B Arts/B Education at UNSW is any good? I've heard the Arts faculty is lacking in some aspects and was just wondering if this was true. Any advice would be great. Thank you.
  8. S

    Estimate please

    Well as the title says. These are my ranks: Ancient History 7 / 61 Biology 13 / 55 Chemistry 35 / 44 English (Advanced) 3 / 21 Mathematics 46 / 55 History Extension 8 / 10 Well I obviously did not do that great, just want to know what i can expect Oh and school rank is...
  9. S

    Estimate my ATAR with my final assessment ranks please.

    You really estimate 80-85? I honestly think that is epically high with the ranks I have right there. I was thinking maybe I can get in the 70s if I was lucky.
  10. S

    Estimate my ATAR with my final assessment ranks please.

    Well as the title says. These are my ranks: Ancient History 6 / 61 Biology 13 / 55 Chemistry 35 / 44 English (Advanced) 3 / 21 Mathematics 46 / 55 History Extension 8 / 10 Well I obviously did not do that great, just want to know what i can expect :) Oh and school rank...
  11. S

    How many Ted Hughes poems should we prepare?

    Yeah do that. Here to help :)
  12. S

    How many Ted Hughes poems should we prepare?

    Well for my trial I wrote about three poems and two pieces of related material. It wasn't that hard to do honestly. Don't worry, just do whatever you feel comfortable with. No point doing five if you can't.
  13. S

    How many Ted Hughes poems should we prepare?

    I'm preparing three poems and two pieces of related material. I think that is enough, well I hope.
  14. S

    Peeps sorry for another estimate.

    I have 11 units, so maths has to count. But hopefully my Extension History mark will pull that up a bit. I just calculated my overall average mark for chemistry and its at 60%, so hopefully I can get a HSC of around there too.
  15. S

    Peeps sorry for another estimate.

    Hey guys, I know i will not get the best ATAR in the world, but an estimate on what I might get would be fantastic. English Advanced - 3/22 Ancient History - top 10/60 Biology - 13/57 Chemistry - 33/47 History Extension - top 5/12 (However, everyone gets VERY similar marks)...
  16. S

    Sorry guys but it's another ATAR estimate

    Thanks so much for the input guys!