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  1. MJRey

    What texts are you all doing?

    I wonder which schools study Emma for Module B. Anyone here have text combinations with Emma included?
  2. MJRey

    Tips and advice for revising for english advanced (HSC Level)

    Top 5 tips from a Band 6 student in English Advanced... FOR ESSAYS 1. Read your texts. 2. Pick out effective techniques/quotes you can use in any essay context (relevant to the module and what is expected of course). 3. Memorise those quotes. 4. Start writing practice essays (don't churn out...
  3. MJRey

    teacher bias

    I had a teacher who was an outright bully. Everyone was terrified of them and they made sure that people were terrified. There was a person in my class who they really hated for no reason, so this teacher got them in trouble for the silliest things. This teacher then thought it would be a great...
  4. MJRey

    What texts are you all doing?

    I did all of those for my HSC as well as Metamorphosis/Eight Days in a Corset for the Craft of Writing. What's your COW text/s?
  5. MJRey

    2022 HSC Gift Package

    What were your thoughts on that story that came with the HSC testamurs posted recently?
  6. MJRey

    English Center

    Yeah, they are. They've got great resources on their website, as well as study tips, articles about different uni degrees and insights on a variety of careers. And the other thing I shouldn't forget to add is that you can apply for tutoring jobs with them!
  7. MJRey

    English Center

    These tutoring companies may be of interest: 1. Art of Smart 2. Alchemy Tuition 3. Matrix Education There are probably others there, but they're the ones I know the most about.
  8. MJRey

    How to Get Better At Theory Based Responses

    For theory-based responses, give your marker the relevant scientific terminology, express your ideas in a coherent and logical format and be specific. I did Physics for my HSC last year, so I'll give a brief example. If you were to answer a question on the progression of the atomic model, then...
  9. MJRey

    What is the difference between the hsc style past paper book (e.g. Atar Notes book and Excel Success)

    I used ATAR notes for Physics. Those notes were a godsend. And yeah, those NESA books were great for English.
  10. MJRey

    writing prompts

    You mean prompts as in essay questions, or creative writing?
  11. MJRey

    Why does nobody talk about ANU?

    There are also people from Sydney who choose to go to ANU, but you're right in saying people from more rural areas of NSW go there. So that would be why ANU isn't talked about as much, but I do wish people talked about it more since it's just as reputable and prestigious as universities in...
  12. MJRey

    How do i my improve clarity of writing?

    You can improve clarity by creating a pointed thesis that links directly to the question, carrying it through the entire essay and ensuring that the structure of your response is logical and cohesive. For instance, in one body paragraph, you should be able to make a point, provide evidence...
  13. MJRey

    motor effect

    Where is this question from?
  14. MJRey

    Bored of Studies - Chess Competition (2nd Edition)

    I think BOS should have another Chess competition. This sounds like so much fun!
  15. MJRey

    Anyone watched chernobyl?

    Chernobyl was great. I would highly recommend it.
  16. MJRey

    1 month to go till Semester 1 of uni kicks off... so exciting!!

    1 month to go till Semester 1 of uni kicks off... so exciting!!
  17. MJRey

    Junior sciences

    Get on top of all the specific terms that the teachers want to hear in your responses. Try to practice presenting your answers in a logical and coherent format since the science subjects have become somewhat more english based of late.
  18. MJRey

    GOTG 3 Movie

    Anyone excited for the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming out in May?
  19. MJRey

    “Book Club”?

    That book is on my reading list. I watched the movie last month and thought it was amazing (it was also one of the few films that made me cry). So I won't go in blind per say, but I want to see how the book is compared to the movie.
  20. MJRey

    “Book Club”?

    At the moment I'm reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. He's a brilliant writer and I think the story is incredibly captivating albeit utterly tragic and depressing. My reading has been put somewhat put in hiatus because I've been trying to get myself organised for enrolment in uni...