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  1. MJRey

    Adding Another Course

    There's a particular uni I want to go to, and I put two of their courses as my top two preferences. I put two courses from a backup uni (the same backup uni) as my third and fourth preferences, and I didn't have a fifth preference. But now I'm considering putting in a third course for my desired...
  2. MJRey

    Young Writers' Showcase

    I did quite well! Got an E4, which I'm over the moon about. Yes, it feels great to be free! And hopefully someone has a good answer to this question!
  3. MJRey

    Young Writers' Showcase

    Does anyone here know when the people who have been selected to be part of the Young Writer's Showcase are notified? And do you have a good chance of getting in if you got an E4 but you haven't achieved a state ranking?
  4. MJRey

    Getting notifications from uni I haven't applied for

    Yes, the email was legitimate, and they were saying I may be eligible for an offer for that degree. Thank you so much for clearing that up! I'll just ignore it since the degree they were advertising isn't exactly in league with what I'd like to study. 😊
  5. MJRey

    Getting notifications from uni I haven't applied for

    I've been emailed and messaged by a certain uni, and I haven't put any courses offered by the said uni in my preferences whatsoever. I'm being encouraged to apply for a particular degree at this uni. Has this happened to anyone else? And why could this be happening?
  6. MJRey

    EE2 2023 Thread

    Good luck with the viva voce tomorrow! Just remember to be yourself and let your enthusiasm for your ideas carry you, even if they're not fully developed. But wow, that sounds like such an interesting story! And the Pandora's Box extended metaphor would be amazing! Greek mythology has always...
  7. MJRey


    If it's a video game, you could talk about visual effects and how they create meaning. The Waste Land is also great.
  8. MJRey

    “Book Club”?

    Anyone doing some good post-HSC reading, or reading a great book in general?
  9. MJRey


    No, the original is correct
  10. MJRey

    Straight up, what happens if I just don't complete work in year 10

    If you don't meet the demands for a particular course/s in Year 10, they may force you to repeat. Being held back from finishing your HSC isn't fun, and it would be frustrating to learn everything from Year 10 all over again. It may not impact on the RoSA, but don't do that to yourself. Put in...
  11. MJRey

    What do you do with all your papers?

    You can always give them to friends or family who will go through the HSC in future and do the same subjects as you. That's what I'm thinking of doing with all my notes and textbooks etc.
  12. MJRey

    Engineering at ANU

    Hey guys, For all the ex or current ANU engineering students, what's the course like?
  13. MJRey

    Officially free from school and loving it!

    Officially free from school and loving it!
  14. MJRey


    I'm feeling it too... so glad it's all done at last!
  15. MJRey

    Physics predictions?

    I don't think it'll be scaled down because of the nature of the subject, although it was definitely way easier than I thought it was going to be.
  16. MJRey

    HSC Maths Exam Gets an F for Failing Our Students

    I think he makes a fair point. Obviously you'd expect that questions 13 and 14 would be more difficult, although this year the majority of them were ridiculously hard for no reason.
  17. MJRey

    Physics predictions?

    Can't believe that tomorrow's the exam... it's gone by so quickly! Good luck to everyone doing Physics. Do your best and be proud of how far you've all come, whatever the result is!
  18. MJRey

    'Conciseness' and it's effect on extended responses

    Yeah, I agree. Students should be getting marks for how well they answer the question, and depending on the question, sometimes you need more space to put down all the information that will get you the marks.
  19. MJRey

    12 units - should I fake COVID RAT's with soda to avoid this Physics exam?

    Like everyone else said, just do your best because your best is all you can do. Also, you might do better than you think because Physics has great scaling.
  20. MJRey

    why do some schools make it compulsory?

    Religion was mandatory at my school. I opted out of SOR and did SICT because I could use it as a study period for my other subjects.