Search results

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    David Jones logistics interview

    Hey there everyone. I got called up today by David Jones and was offered a position involving logistics, and i have an interview for it on thursday. Anyone applied for this before or work in this position? What can i expect from the interview? Any tips/pointers? I've only ever had 1 other job...
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    The "How did you go in your exam" thread

    I had math1231 today (well..technically yesterday), and im happy with how i went. Post your exam experiences.
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    I cant change my avatar or profile pic

    it keeps saying 'invalid file' or 'upload of file failed', even though the files are either a valid .jpg file or a valid image link (that isnt too big). Whats going on?
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    Holy Mother Of All Internet Browsers

    So which browser is the best and why? Which has the best addons? Which is the quickest? Which one is the biggest hog? Which one has the sexiest themes? Which one do you actually use?
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    need help making a bootable disc to install windows 7

    SO i've obtained Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM and i wanna install it on my laptop. I have the files on my laptop, but i need to create a bootable disc so that i can restart my laptop and boot from disc, because i've already burnt it onto a dvd (ie just copied the files onto a blank disc), and...
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    Saw VI Saw film coming out soon (22 October iirc). Can't wait till it comes out :) Many people say the first one was the best and the rest suck, i personally liked all of em. So who's gonna watch it?
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    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    Which one is better and why? Despite not being fat, i'm really unfit. I tried jogging for 30 mins once, i ended up walking 25mins of it because i get puffed out so easily. So.. if i wanted to shed the small amount of fat i have, would walking be beneficial at all? Because i hear stuff about...
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    Do you smoke?

    If so, when did you start, how many per day, and why do you do it?
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    Custom print t-shirts

    So a friend told me u can make custom prints tshirts by printing off an image/text of whatever you want (special printer required?), then ironing it onto the shirt. How is this done? Where are the tools purchased from? (pretty sure i can find some blank t-shirts and we already have an iron at...
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    2.1 computer speakers recommendation

    Sup. I need some new external speakers for my laptop, since the treble decided to screw up in my current ones. I'd prefer 2.1 (ie. 2 speakers and a sub), especially one with a bass and treble control knob. This one looks quite awesome and has plenty of good reviews, but im not too good with...
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    What is the longest song on your ipod?

    The 2 longest songs on my ipod are: A Diamond for a Disease - Arsis - 12:52 Unas Slayer of the Gods - Nile - 11:43 What are the longest songs on YOUR ipod?
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    CS vs. COD4

    Counter Strike vs Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Which is better, and why?
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    District 9

    I saw an ad on tv today. I saw the words "Peter Jackson" and it immediately got my attention. Looks pretty awesome!! Who's excited? I know i am!
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    PC sidescrolling platformers.

    There are 2 recent ones that i know of, Trine and Aztaka. I have Trine, its ok, but probably will get boring. Aztaka looks good. Kinda reminds me of the Castlevania platformers, just not as good. What are some good sidescrollers for PC?
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    Pulling your muscle, some questions...

    I have a tendency to pull my thigh muscle (below the ass, behind the quads), and it pulls really easily, which gets annoying. Whenever i tried doing that leg machine at the gym where you lie down on ur belly and pull the weight thingo with your feet, i pull the muscle. Sometimes it happens in...
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    Family laptop has this problem..

    This message comes up everytime the laptop starts up: ..because of this, any desktop shortcuts or visual settings changed are not saved, the desktop is different and kinda back to stock standard, all the files are gone, but can be found in a different location. Its a 5 year old laptop...
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    Books that made you fall asleep

    Emma - Jane Austen (i had to read for english, year 12). It was a warm summer night, around 8pm, i was lying down in bed reading Emma, it was so boring and i felt like going to sleep. I rested my head on my pillow for a few seconds. Next thing i know im waking up, im not in blankets, my light...
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    ITT: Post your favourite album covers

    Here are my current favourites: Nightrage - Wearing A Martyrs Crown Behemoth - Satanica Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve EP Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God God Dethroned - Passiondale DAATH - The Hinderers
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    Oh my god, do want!!!

    Transformers Nintendo DS Lite case and stylus from PDP - GameSpot Hardware Blog - Hardware Insider nuff said. tho i dont play my ds that much, i'd really love to have this. discuss?