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    Started your exams yet???

    ...i haven't. first exam on next week, second and last exam on friday next week.
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    Useful links for engineering students 'em here. Very good thermo lecture notes and it pretty much sums up all the important bits in the textbook. FREE STUDY Found it today courtesy of a friend of mine. Its got math, thermo, fluid mechanics, mechanics of...
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    Fantasy novels

    I'm interested in reading fantasy books, but i have no idea which are good and which arent, and i usually judge books by their covers, which is why im asking YOUR opinion. So far i've read the Harry Potter series, Eragon series, Amulet of Samarkand (first book of a trilogy, do want to read...
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    Terminator Salvation

    ...was fucking brilliant. i saw it today, loved it so much, visual effects were almost on par with transformers (which is fucking saying a lot!), brilliant action flick. will download so i can watch again.
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    General weights thread

    As opposed to the 'strength training thread' (which is supposed to be about strength training), this thread shall be about general weights, where we can ask questions about our technique/form, different workout types, and possibly bragging about our e-stats. Let me start off, i've noticed i...
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    Anyone do boxing?

    I've wanted to do it for a while, looks very fun. Fitness, strength, and maybe even proper bouts and comps. Anyone doet? Where, what club? Enjoy it? Do you participate in competitions/bouts? Whats it like being beaten up? (lol)
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    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Hi everyone :wave: most likely will not change it, depends on if i wanna be in other ppl's classes and they have clashes and i'd have to change mine. fingers crossed that doesnt happen, because this timetable is bloody awesome!!!
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    online fps: Combat Arms, who's got it?

    My cousin told me about it, he says its like CS but better. It seems he's kinda right. You make an account, download the game, then vs ppl online (fps), and gain points for kills, and with points u can buy stuff to customize ur character, eg new cap, new character, new mask, new clothes...
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    thats right, brutal death metal, love it. actually, nah they're normally shit. melodic death metal's where its at. Amon Amarth, omg, music makes me jizz, but vocals are pure BRUTAL!!! Decapitated. This bands vocalist is a fucking MONSTER. Vocals are basically throaty grumbles, soo cool, lol...
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    My FF3 browser keeps spontaneously closing

    My firefox 3 browser keeps spontaneously closing. It closes down and a message box pops up and says 'Firefox has stopped working', sometimes it asks if i wanna send error report. Ive done a full virus scan and i dont have any problems. Anyone know any causes and how to stop it?
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    How to make yourself get a nightmare?

    I'd really love to have a nightmare, one of those one where ur paralyzed with fear, where you're completely overwhelmed with fear and ur heart beat triples. Havnt had one in ages. Any idea how to force yourself to get one? Any scary movies should be seen before going to bed? (keep in mind...
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    The most bad-ass videogame character

    Kratos, from the God of War series. nuff said.
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    wtf, everytime i open a new tab (ff3):

    it says "welcome to tabbed browsing" when i make a new tab, its never done that before, ever, only started doing that today. This ullshit normally happens in internet explorer, but im using FF3. also theres some mini internet search box, meaning that instead of instantly opening up a tab, it...
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    Google Operating System

    Google seems to have a habit of creating awesome stuff. The google search engine is pure awesomeness, gmail is pure awesomeness, so what if google made an operating system? My guess is that it'll completely kick microsoft and apple's ass, and i reckon google should make one (or is there one...
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    need a new mouse

    i need a new mouse, current one is being stupid. The click is going weird, gotta press down at exactly the right spot to get a good click, otherwise u gotta press down unnaturally hard. i prefer a mouse that doesnt require much effort to click. what is a good brand mouse i can get? whats some...
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    Jobs that dont require a degree

    Ive been finding engineering at uni pretty hard and im starting to think maybe its not for me. I have no idea what i want to be doing for the rest of my life, if i manage to finish my degree then i'll probably become a generic engineer or some sort, but as i said before im finding uni quite...
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    Official Pokemon game thread

    ITT: all about the pokemon games, where we can discuss past/current/future releases, teams, etc. I, for one, hate that all the dragon pokemon have dual types. Its always either dragon/flying, dragon/ground, dragon/water or dragon/steel. Now competitively (meaning excluding legendaries) the...
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    quick opinion pplz:

    Quick ppl opinions needed: should i drop my Aviation Behind the Scenes gen-ed so i can focus more on my 2 core courses, thermodynamics and mechanics? (i have until midnite tonite to drop it without financial penalty) I am also doing Introduction to Marketing (another gen-ed) but this one seems...
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    Calorie content of foods

    Ive decided to lower my calorie consumption and i was wondering what kinda foods generally have heaps of calories. At home i'd generally eat whatever my mum has cooked, normally a variety of meats, vegetables, etc, with either rice or bread (naan) (since my mum makes it im assuming its...
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    Macbook-like laptop, but not a macbook..

    The things i love about macbooks are that they have around 5hrs battery, theyre thin and sleek, light weight and so easily portable. What i DONT like, however, is the OSX interface, the single click mouse and those extra buttons, command and whatever. Is there such thing as a laptop that has...