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    firefox has stopped working

    I get this annoying message sometimes with firefox. Happens when i visit my uni website ( and ive noticed it happen to another site ( I am using FF version, my os is vista ultimate. Anyone know why this happens?
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    Where does the cold virus come from?

    Now i know that u cant catch a cold just from feeling cold, i never, and it was shown on "Whats Good For You" (tv show) that its not true. It really annoys me when my dad goes off at me for not wearing a jumper: "..or you'll catch a cold." To me, someone who understands quite a bit about...
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    failure rate for first yr engineers?

    What are failure rates for engineering first year subjects like? I reckon im gonna fail math1231 and mman1300 (mechanics). Do many people fail them? Or is it just me? Also, chi mak and blennehasset both suck balls. One is extremely crap at teaching, and the other cant speak english if his life...
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    Help! Live update warning...:

    Everytime i start up my laptop i get this message: Live Update warning Not enough disk space to install all available updates. Click 'Yes' for help on freeing up disc space. This probably started about one and a half weeks after i got my laptop, i got it on 28th august. The thing is...i...
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    What're some good scary/horror pc games

    I got doom 3, apparantly thats kinda scary (doesnt support 1440 x 900, why!?) what other scary/horror pc games are out there?
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    Need opinions regarding laptop rig..

    Intel Core 2 duo T9400 (2.53GHz), 4Gb ram, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 (512mb), and 320Gb harddrive. (Asus M51VA) How will crysis and ut3 run on this? What would the highest game settings i could run them with this rig? Max? Medium?
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    14 weeks to 12 weeks, why?

    Does anyone know why unsw went from having a 14 week semester to a 12 week semester?
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    Crysis system requirements

    I've heard about crysis being a 'graphics hog' and about some instances where ppl cant run it on highest settings, even with dual 8800gt's. What graphical settings do crysis players play on? Can anyone run it on max settings? If u can, whats ur rig? I'm getting a laptop soon, Asus m51sn...
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    Downloading from uniwide, few questions...

    If i brought in my laptop, can i just connect to uniwide internet, or do i give my student number and unipass to log on, whats the process? If i were to logon everytime, is there a download limit? What happens if u exceed this limit? Also, if i were to download torrents (i use azureus) is...
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    questions about 64 bit windows xp

    Hi ppl, I dont know much about this stuff, but when i get my new laptop soon, which comes with vista, i'd like to change to xp. Also im getting 4gigs of ram, so to fully take advantage of all 4gigs i'd need a 64 bit version of windows xp. I have a few questions regarding 64 bit OS's: What are...
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    Death Metal!!!

    For some reason i havent found a single fellow human being that listens to death metal, i cant be the only one, can i? Also, i need to expand my death metal collection. I have : daath (the hinderers), nile, behemoth(satanica, demigod, apostasy), the red chord, amon amarth(fate of norns, with...
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    Official PHYS1121 test result thread

    How did everyone go? Epic phail? Or not as much phail as they expected? Also, anyone know the overall average? I hear that last year the average was 27%. I'll start off, i got 37 (im assuming it means 37%). I was expecting something along the lines of 10% lolz, but im ok with 37 :D How'd...
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    DR CARL vs. RUSS OVERHALL ur bets...

    HOLY CRAP!!!!! Who else was there? How funny was it to watch!!! :argue: Russ: "No theyre late so they miss out." DrCarl: "But these students actually need to do this course." Russ: "Im actually in charge for this course, so i say they cant do it because they came late!" DrCarl: [glares at Russ...
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    Hey all you 3rd and 4th year aerospace or mechatronic ppl:

    I am currently a first year mechatronic student, mechatronic as in im following the mechatronic plan, meaning im doin same subjects as everyone else doin engineering.. Anyways..i was just wondering which is easier and harder, and which is better, if in 3rd year i went into mechatronic or...
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    ATTN: mman engg1000 people..

    regarding the preparation task that is due in tomorrow, how many pages did u people write/are going to write?
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    is it just me or is phys1121...

    ...quite insane? I havnt done physix in ages and assumed knowledge is apparantly 'nothing', so how would someone with a nothing knowledge know anything with whats goin on right now? I have knowledge, from hsc, even if it is a bit, but it is quite difficult to understand. Someone please tell me...
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    Exercise books or loose leaf?

    What do all u 2nd years and older recommend? Exercise books for each course? Or loose leaf paper and separate folders for each course? Im doin engineering degree, my courses are math1131, phys1121, comp1911, engg1000. Thanx:D:D
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    timetable on myunsw... sorta a bit different each week, some of mine have no phys1121 tutes..., so can current unsw students tell me if this is normal for unsw timetables??? This is just so i know to print off each week's timetable in advance of that week, but i never thought the timetable would vary like this...
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    problem accessing webct

    i cant seem to log into my elearning vista page thingy... it doesnt accept my username/password, even tho i use those exact username/password for myunsw, and im supposed to be using that username/password. Any reason why webct hates me?
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    ATTN: ppl who did maths ext1 bridging course

    How'd u ppl go??? I got total mark of 86% Wat about everyone else????????????????