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  1. R

    what is so bad about UWS?

    I think it is politically incorrect for them to say "oh yea we discriminate based on universities". Because you cannot honestly tell me you rather take a person with 3.9 GPA from UWS rather than 3.5 from Harvard.
  2. R

    Group of 8 Unis..what happens if one ranks below 8?

    Which international ranking? THES? Shanghai Jiaotong? It just happens that the GO8 are the leading universities in Australia and they rank in the top 8 of Aus unis internationally.
  3. R

    Group of 8 Unis..what happens if one ranks below 8?

    There is no official Australian ranking of universities. And no GO8 does not change.
  4. R

    Transfer to Law - 2nd Year

    The thing is that internal transfers are easier than getting the 99.4 UAI to get into say Law straight from high school. I would think a high CR or D average is much more achievable for most people.
  5. R


    Same... my questions were worded strangely..
  6. R

    Getting into Commerce at UNSW!

    Eco is not one of the HSC Plus subjects for Commerce I think.. Only English and Maths qualify.
  7. R


    The conversion is X< or equal to 100 so X < 100.5 in normal approximation.
  8. R

    Proportion of HD, D, Cr etc..

    Any idea on Commerce or ASB?
  9. R


    Re: Qmb pass chewy: npq gives variance, not s.d so the s.d is actually root 48 I got the ans to be 0.0025 with X=100.5, not 99.5
  10. R

    would my classmates' marks affect mine??

    1st ranked gets the top mark, last ranked gets the bottom mark, everyone else gets distributed based on their gaps between ranks.
  11. R


    Do you have the answer? (2(1.645 x20))/1 squared to give 4329.64... 4330?
  12. R

    Commerce (International)

    I don't think they changed the policy within one year :p I guess Japan is a niche exchange destination so the competition is not that tough.
  13. R

    Commerce (International)

    Well I spoke to the Exchange Coordinator and Reps for Asia/Europe as well as America/Canada. One of the first things they asked me was my WAM. I guess for non competitive placements the WAM is just a cut-off kinda thing but otherwise its competed on WAM. So you're right about supply and demand...
  14. R

    Commerce (International)

    Actually, thats the opposite of what I've heard. They rank people based on their WAM and distribute them to their preferences. ie WAM is one of the if not the most important thing.
  15. R

    UNSW vs USYD (campus)

    USyd's campus overall is better than UNSW's IMO, with the exception of the Commerce building.
  16. R

    Transfer to Law - 2nd Year

    Re: Commerce Transfer to Law - 2nd Year Is there such thing as guaranteed transfer? I think you have to compete for it. From UNSW Law. Applicants are assessed on the basis of 50% UAI (or equivalent) and 50% tertiary grades. As a guide a UAI score of 97 and a credit to distinction average in...
  17. R

    transferring usyd to unsw?

    How do they judge which is higher?
  18. R

    Help me choose an University

    Where to you live? Is location an issue? I would say UNSW, way superior to the other 3.
  19. R

    lower uai's on website

    OR maybe this is for INTERNATIONAL applicants so CSP places do not apply hence they are about 5 marks lower.
  20. R

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    lol why should you let anything burst your happy bubble? Uni is not like the hsc, shouldnt mind what others are getting.