no news on PASS yet. i heard we should get emails this sunday to go to interview or something. We must hear from them soon, interviews are like 23/24th Nov.
Yeah I think UNSW should have some desk at the racecourse putting the stickers on. Or the supervisors just approve them on the spot, because it's that easy. It's really not worth disadvantaging students for.
Not sure about interstate maths in particular but USyd does not have a bonus point system for subjects to my knowledge.
The system for UNSW is HSC Plus.
You don't need a course in statistics to understand that THES is in no way objective. A good uni may be ranked well because it is good, but a uni is not 'good' BECAUSE it ranks well. Get the relationship right.
If you did read my previous post, you should see that I know Go8 are good but I...
If one can't even point to a year and use that figure with some confidence, what's the point of looking at the same rankings over time? If the ranking in one year is unreliable, why should we trust its other years' and the 'general picture'?
I have no issues that Go8 are the best unis in...
Dude... Harvard (Cambridge, MA) is 10 minutes drive to downtown Boston. Which is even closer than UNSW to Sydney CBD.
In London you are also missing Imperial College, UCL, London Business School etc.
It not wise to generalise university locations like that. You have a lot of universities in...
I compared UWS to UNSW and UNSW to Harvard.
Do you mean "very hard to be objective"? No ranking is set to be perfectly objective but hard facts cannot be denied. Starting salary, employment rates etc are much higher for top universities.
Why would employers take graduates from top unis to...
As retarded as your claim of "universities don't matter at all"?
My analogy was just to illustrate that university does matter. Yes the gap is very large between UWS and UNSW. UWS is not even top 500 in the world. Not even close.