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  1. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    My daily dose of lol ;).
  2. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    Feel feel to PM me if you have more questions about the area. But the 100 hours week is true, it was between 80-110 hours in the office. If you include travel, showering, waking up etc, you're sleeping a handful of hours a day. p.s. The concept of connections and networking is more of a US...
  3. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    Commendable. I was even more clueless when I was in Year 12 and somehow still made IB. The earlier you start, the better. :)
  4. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    Cadetships are also a decent choice. Word of warning is to not get complacent after getting that placement.
  5. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    It's not discouraging you. It's very good to have goals and aims. Just given how competitive it is to break into IB, you appear uninformed about the field. You'll need to do a lot more work and research because you bet your competitors are VERY well informed and highly qualified.
  6. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    Very much agree with this.
  7. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    To clarify, you won't be doing any negotiations in IB until you reach at least Vice President level, more likely Managing Director level. That's at least 10 year into the job.
  8. R

    BEST degree FOR IB

    ^ listen to this man. But yes do BComm if you can get HD average. Major in Actuarial if you want to but that might kill your WAM too. Either way, you need to learn a lot more and go to uni first.
  9. R

    Economics? or Business?

    You diversify with your 2nd major. If you are passionate about economics, there will always be jobs. The largest industries for Business graduates are Accounting and Finance I would think.
  10. R

    Economics? or Business?

    Go to MQ and do BComm with majors in Economics and Finance. Done!
  11. R

    where is the best place to do acturial studies

    I think going to Macquarie over UNSW for Actuarial is like going to Northwestern University over Harvard because Northwestern University has a better Marketing faculty. Sure you intend to major in Marketing but you're taking a risk. Sure Northwestern is great and Marketing is its best faculty...
  12. R

    where is the best place to do acturial studies

    UNSW. It's a good choice for you.
  13. R

    UBS Cadetship

    If you do Comm Law at say a Go8. I reckon a decent D would be okay. I know plenty of people with those grades getting top law clerkships.
  14. R

    actuary UNSW

    That is the most comprehensive "sell" statement for actuarial, appealing to students with pretty much all business related interests.
  15. R

    UBS Cadetship

    I would say very difficult. It does happen but very rare and almost hailed as a miracle if it worked out.
  16. R

    UBS Cadetship

    It's also because it is true that a lot of high achievers in Year 12 go into Comm/Law. More often than not, many of them still maintain their work ethic and continue to do well at uni.
  17. R

    UBS Cadetship

    True but it was all in the context of someone who wants to get into Finance, with no interest in Law. There's no need to risk it. If you are interested in Law, by all means, do Comm/Law.
  18. R

    UBS Cadetship

    True also but note that you won't be disadvantaged by doing well in straight Commerce and it's also much harder to "do well" in Comm/Law in the conventional sense. ie HD average in Comm/Law. Essentially there's really no need to risk it if you are not interested in Law at all.
  19. R

    UBS Cadetship

    It's much better to do the single degree and score highly then do an average job at Comm/Law.