Relax mate! Told you many times I'm not doubting you, just found some of the numbers weird.
Fair enough. I'm a bit surprised by 75% bonus but I guess that's possible for Tier One bonus.
Enjoy Hong Kong :)
Not double Big 4 accountant hours that's for sure. But just under.
I would say DCM is more vanilla and clear cut than other aspects like M&A and ECM. It has much lower margins too hence they get paid slightly less than M&A. Big 4 banks dominate DCM in Australia.
Good luck at work haha..
HK usually takes US base + 20-25k housing + bonus on base. Still, 140k USD in first year is ambitious. I did some quick numbers, it takes huge percentage bonus to reach those numbers you provided. But good on you for getting those numbers.
I'm not trying to catch your bluff; just found some of...
That's weird because I've heard different.
530k (let's just say AUD is 1-1 even though back in 08,09 it's not) averages 177k per year. In progression terms, let's say 140k, 180k, 210k USD/AUD. At the top end of the market you might get those figures in New York but through GFC and also in Hong...
Perhaps entry is more interesting?
How to break in
I assume most people here are interested in entry level positions. A Graduate program is clearly the way to go. People can also take on an internship and receive a graduate offer at the end of it.
There are other ways too. Moving to an IB...
I have a fair understanding of the industry. Maybe some basic information first?
Front Office
Investment Banking Division (IBD)
Mergers and Acquistions and Corporate Finance mostly. Some banks include Equity Capital Markets and Debt Capital markets in this too. Essentially ECM and DCM are...
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
Very nice of the bulge bracket to let you have some online forum time during work.
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
:rolleyes2: You're in Hong Kong? Might be useful to make that clearer next time.
Standard Chartered or HSBC if I may guess?
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
I thought you said "im at the stage where i sift through resumes and do campus recruiting". Do you work in a front office role?
How many rounds are there and how many people do you seek to take?
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
Those are divisions of an universal bank. You may know well where you work but we are just intrigued by what you said.
Do you work in HR? Why are you doing campus recruiting now when they were done in either...
What! Another investment banking!
Anyways. A few advice.
1) Don't do languages at uni. Especially if you are just starting. They will kill your WAM. At the very least, they will not be a benefit to your WAM. Do this outside of uni if you really want to take on languages. BComm (Int) is a...
Honestly, any degree that you can get high marks in and have flexibility. Don't do Law unless you actually like Law.
If you are neutral, I would suggest BComm with the flexibility to do internal transfer for a combined degree so you can extend your degree if you miss out on internships in your...
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
Actually no, those with a proper investment banking division are well and truly investment banks for the purpose of conversation. You don't work for Chase, you don't work for Citibank, you don't work for...
Re: Out of these two "qualifications" which is more highly likelly to INVESTMENT BANK
Unfortunately there's no such thing. Institutional banking perhaps?
Huge interest with investment banking in recent years!
This is good degree for development and knowledge.
Keep your WAM up, maintain good ECs and you'll be good for the interview stage. If it's a drag on your WAM, drop Adv Maths as IBs don't care about your degree as much if you have good...
Re: For bachelor of commerce (international) do you have to study major a language?
Comm Int is a bit of a gimmick. I guess the only plus is being able to go on exchange and essentially transfer any course back for credit while in a normal Commerce program, you need to get them individually...
Re: Investment banker vs Accountant
Not to mention it's quite a bit harder to get HDs in courses like Law. So why make it harder for yourself? Do Law if you like it, but don't do it thinking it'll give you a better chance straight off the bat.
Forget minors IMO.
Take up a Finance major out of those. Acct and Fins double major although plentiful, is very versatile.
Of course you have to consider your own interests and what you think you can do well in. WAM is also very important.