Well, and I am only guessing here, but no.
Say you join the Doctor Who Society, is that really going to go on your AHEGS? Or the Fashion Society?
Maybe do the Leadership Program offered by the Hub, or become a peer mentor. These both definitely go on your AHEGS.
Is Bill Walker taking it? If he is, then yes he will take attendance.
Just had a look at the timetable in the handbook and it says Sigi is taking it. She is pretty reasonable, if you can come up with a good enough excuse to not go, even if she does take attendance, you can probably give...
Have you been to a exchange info session yet? Once you get access to the moodle student exchange page, there is a pdf guide with previous semesters wam cutoffs.
Yes, you can go on exchange and only do the commerce components of your degree.
If you're unsure you are best off contacting the Exchange Advisor for Asia, he knows his stuff. I think his name is Andrew.
Depends. There would be a major difference between say a 64 pass average and a 56 pass average I would imagine.
But go talk to an exchange advisor, they will give you the answers. They do say if you do not meet the minimum requirements you have to talk to them anyway.
If you look on your uni exchange website, I am sure it will answer these questions. If not, looking through previous threads surely will. I believe the thread under this one was about cost too...
They say have about $2,200 per month. You can also usually find expenses on your chosen university's site. I'm going to the University of Glasgow in September and my aim is to have between $17,000-$20,000. But this is inclusive of my travel afterwards and during.
It really really depends on you and how you approach it. I hated socio and anthro and therefore did the bare minimum of work and got a credit. However, for the other two, I enjoyed them a little bit more and then did better. It goes down to you and how willing you are to put in the hard work. If...
I did 3 of those courses.
ARTS1270 is easy. You need to keep up with the readings and do weekly writing tasks but it isn't difficult to get at least a high credit for it. You need not have done any history in high school as the stuff covered in this course is not in HSC history. It's all very...
From what I have heard, USYD does not use the internal transfer program. Like Hatake88 said you would likely need to reapply through UAC.
Give the university a call and ask.
I'm doing Eco/Arts. This is actually my last English course at UNSW. Completing the minor on exchange.
Hmm that's odd. You should always gave space for your courses? Depends on what you're doing I guess.
You'll be fine. I had 9-4 straight once before and I did it. And yes, I ate during lectures. My advice is don't bring things that have a strong smell or are wrapped in aluminium foil or something equally loud when opening.