If you have not done any business or economics in high school. Plus, your maths is not exactly the greatest (i.e only 70-something in HSC mathematics).
Hi there,
I do BA/B.Ed at UNSW, I'm in second year and I plan on going on exchange next year.
1. The double history major does not mean ALL your arts subjects will be history. The double history major means you need to take a minor in a subject. This is from the UNSW handbook:
Minors which...
Yes, my bad forgot to mention that. Well, OP has a rough idea of what he is getting himself into now right? You can't just join the army because you can't find another job, chances are the recruiters will see you are not motivated and it's a second option. So unless you really want to serve your...
After I'd already started UNSW, I had a change of heart and wanted to see if I could apply for ADFA. I emailed them and they said it was not an option at that stage and should try for sponsorship or reserves.
Also, upon recruitment it is a minimum of three years service before you can leave. Apply for the Army Reserve whilst in university to get a feel for it maybe? It'll give you an insight into what Army life is like. Plus, it looks really good to prospective employers as it will show great...
You cannot go to ADFA once already in university. You need to apply in year 11.
Of course you can join the army. It is what I want to do. I'm doing a B Arts/B Ed and I will most likely apply as an Education Officer. If you go to the Army website, you can see exactly what you need to do certain...
For referencing the same source in sequence, you wouldn't have to keep putting the whole title and author again. Just use Ibid. if it is the same page and Ibid.,(insert page number) if it is a different page. This only works if they are one after the other though.
The PDF can't be just a PDF. You had to have gotten it from a website or an article of some sort. So refer to one of those on the UNSW learning centre website which has been linked above.
If it says footnotes, do footnotes. Using in-text and footnotes is wrong. Stick to one method of...
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry
Well I did my HSC last year and as I did well in my trials for English Advanced, a friend of mine asked to see my essays to see what she did wrong. I figured why not so I scanned and emailed a copy of them to...
It seems you have already decided on USYD yourself. Everything you wrote up there says how you think USYD is better than UNSW. So go there. In terms of which is better, they aren't really all that different, both are highly regarded by employers as good universities. Go to info days and see...
Well, someone correct me if I am wrong here, but I am not sure it is possible to internally transfer from anything to Med Sci at UNSW. See here:https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/academiclife/program_transfer/program_trans_Sci.html
I do not know how this works with external transfers through.