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  1. S

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    May as well add mine in the mix.
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    Which are the best first year history and politics subjects?

    No, not difficult. It was boring because it focused a lot of things like ship wrecks, and a lot of archaeological evidence. That's what the readings focused on too and it was so boring to read. You have to do weekly writing tasks which are a pain in the ass. But they aren't hard, just time...
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    Which are the best first year history and politics subjects?

    Then my suggestion is don't do ARTS1270. Boring as anything. Did it, hated it.
  4. S

    Which are the best first year history and politics subjects?

    Well if you want to major or minor in History, you have no option but to take ARTS1270. It is compulsory and there is no other unit you can take for History.
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    Student Exchange

    Hi there, I'm going on exchange this year but I am doing B.A/B.Eco at UNSW. As it is hard to match econ courses directly to overseas courses, I chose to do the last few subjects of my Arts degree. This was heaps easy as they were all elective subjects with no need to find a direct match to a...
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    Confused :/

    You could probably get into UNSW economics with your atar + the bonus points they provide.
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    Offers/Deferring Question

    I emailed ADFA about this, and they do not allow transfer at all. And I would say a credit transfer is also unlikely because the ADFA courses are geared towards defence topics which may be difficult to match. If you really want to get into ADFA, your best bet is gap year and apply. But in saying...
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    Transfer internally or do course at lower university?

    ATAR for Economics at UNSW is what 93? You would also get bonus points on your atar, so you may still get in. Leave it in first place and see what happens.
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    UWS exchange - Japan or England

    I don't go to UWS, but at UNSW for exchange they want you to that you have a minimum of $2200 per month. So, I assume UWS would be similar. However, you can get up to around $6000 on HECS, it is called OS HELP, from the government which you pay along with the rest of your HECS. Actually, if you...
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    What courses should I enrol into?

    Thanks heaps guys.
  11. S

    What courses should I enrol into?

    I too tutored. I didn't quite like it, but it is about 35x worse in an actual classroom. So yeah, if you do not enjoy tutoring, I do not recommend even considering teaching. Yep, I have enormous respect for teachers now that I see how hard it is!
  12. S

    What courses should I enrol into?

    It just wasn't for me. On my first prac, which was only really an observation with very limited teaching, I got to experience the classroom atmosphere and I just found it so boring. The 10 days I had to go made me want to cry every time as I just found it so boring and the idea of teaching made...
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    What courses should I enrol into?

    Yeah I think I will. If I don't get into economics though, I will cry cause I'm starting my 3rd year next year. Took me two years to realise I hated education... Go me...
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    What courses should I enrol into?

    Yeah I know I can enrol and unenrol and change things, but I want to have good times for tutes.
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    What courses should I enrol into?

    Okay, so I am hoping to transfer from education to economics. To do this, the internal transfer program says you need a minimum wam of 70. My wam, including this semester, will be around 74-74.5. My enrolment appointment is on the 12/12/2013 and I do not find out my transfer outcome until the...
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    I want to transfer, but according to student central only credit can be transferred and not WAM. Say I want to do an honours from my ARTS major, the component of my degree that I will keep even when I transfer, how will this work if I do not have a WAM for the subjects I have done? Does...
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    Bachelor of Science General questions

    You can teach both subjects anyway I believe? You would do the method courses for both anyway. So a major and a minor would be enough. In my HSC, I had the same teacher for chemistry and biology. She had a biology major. Still taught both. Also, I asked to have a double major in my Arts...
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    UNSW imposes minimum entry score of 80+ ATAR

    Reaction to this at It's hardly any different to the way it is now. You get an ATAR of say 75, get bonus points, you still get in.
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    Release of Semester1 2013 Results

    Anyone nervous for results?
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    I'm thinking of going on an international exchange

    Re: Im thinking of going on an international exchange. What year of study do u usualy Well, I do not go to Usyd but UNSW policy for exchange is that any average under 65 (a credit) you need to discuss your options with a exchange advisor. Your options will be limited. Also, you cannot complete...