Lynn *thinks* she likes Pacciobelli's Canon but as it has been about six years since she has really had the chance to listen to some good canons (she admits to have fallen in love with Verdi and Pachabell at some point - apologies for typos) she cannot quite be sure. On a random note, Lynn wants some operatic training now so she can sing along to "The Flower Duet" from Lakme... as she does not yet feel very comfortable singing long, extended notes as opposed to words, and wants to be more versatile... without going too operatic
Lynn is absolutely astounded at Evan's height (he is unofficially the tallest member of IPR, and will be officially so when Lynn can get home and update her IPR stats) and remarks that it reminds her of a friend of a friend who is about 7 feet tall. When Lynn saw Thomas in the background, she thought he was standing on a box. But no... he was just really, really, REALLY tall... :S Lynn empathised with hobbits that day, and feared that she might accidentally get stepped on and crushed...
Lynn also greets Diana, is slightly suprised but glad that someone gave her omniscient powers, and Marcus' mention of SO MANY FIRST COUSINS (Lynn has like, *counts* 5?) reminds her of a My Big Fat Greek Wedding thing where the protagonist talks about "Greeks marrying greeks so they can breed more Greek Eaters!" lol.
She also notes that Marcus' expression in his avatar reminds her of how she used to feel at the beginning of her first theatrical production (hurrah, Lynn - the noob at the time - got to go onstage first and do a herself... moral support factor?!?!?! lol). "I'm not scared. My knees are just shaking. Here, I'll smile to prove that I'm not scared....maybe if I look like I'm calm and happy, I actually will be... ok, let's try smiling again..." Happily, regular exposure to the stage makes stage fright easier to deal with over time... unless you take extended breaks for something like the HSC... *is now somewhat scared*
EDIT: Lynn very excitedly informs Marcus that she has been given a number of someone who might be familiar with gadulkas... she is currently forwarding the email to Marcus.
Lynn also says that today is her last day of internet access (she leaves this apartment in severalish hours) and probably will not be able to be contacted with via internet after this, unless by sms (which reminds Lynn hat she must recharge her phone as soon as she gets home).
kami said:
Edit: A fellow 05er! You must help Evan in the viva 05 resistance mon ami.
Lynn would not appreciate being guillotined or thrown out of the IPR castle by the '05 rebels... she suddenly starts wondering how to bribe her brother into teaching her how to fence, as her nails are not really long enough to fight back with yet... *muses*