Name: Still Mine (2013)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 93
Metacritic: 72
Type: drama
A beautiful film that shows there can be love without any sex (maybe cos they're too old), and a building a house without any permit. Sometimes the little man can challenge the system and still win.
Verdict: 8/10
James Cromwell would never use sub standard material, he had a talking pig for fuck sake.
Name: Chasing Amy (1997)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 88
Metacritic: 71
Type: drama
I learn more about how to giving women orgasm from this movie than from all the porn I watched. Ben Affleck chasing down a dike like an Korean chasing down a shih tzu for dinner. So much profanity and racism in this movie you'll love it.
Verdict: 8/10
Literally 10 seconds after this sentence, they fucked. White people's promiscuity is light years beyond my Asian comprehension.
Name: The Armstrong lie (2013)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 84
Metacritic: 67
Type: documentary
A excellent documentary about the master of deception, like a typical cheating Americunt, gets caught and try to justify his way again in the documentary, even the director doesn't believe him.
Name: Elaine Stritch:Shoot Me (2014)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 98
Metacritic: 81
Type: documentary
Honestly I have never heard of Elaine Stritch, never into theatre, still not into theatre. Now she's dead, literally months of the release of this film. That's what you get for naming the film "Shoot me". Although a very good doc about her life/career and struggle with alcoholism.
Name: The Final Member (2014)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 91
Metacritic: 67
Type: documentary
Penis Penis and lots of Penises. A battle of two penises for a place in a museum of penises. One is a bigger younger American penis, and is a smaller, degenerate Icelandic penis. A okayish doc, good a cheap laugh.
Name: The Girl who leapt through time 時をかける少女 (2006)
Language: Japanese
Tomatometer: 94
Metacritic: n/a
Type: anime
Excellent anime about time travel, the picture may not be the best in the business but the voice acting is excellent (Japanese voice acting of course, go kill yourself if you watch English dubbed anime). The characters are immediately likeable, very typical of Asian high school drama type of crap.
Name: Kiki's Delivery Service 魔女の宅急便 (1989)
Language: Japanese
Tomatometer: 100
Metacritic: n/a
Type: anime
Another Miyazaki classic, this witch would eats harry potter for breaky. And as always, Miyazaki is always about a young girl with an ability and her contact with a boy.
Name: The Revisionaries (2012)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 92
Metacritic: 70
Type: Documentary
Yep, American secondary education is one fucked up system if one State can influence the rest of the country and itself is lobby by dumb can creationists.
verdict: 8/10
dumb ass Christians. Seriously not much smarter than Muslims.
Name: Kids For Cash (2014)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 91
Metacritic: 75
Type: Documentary
Only three nations in this world that have not yet ratified Conventions on the rights of Child, Somali, South Sudan and the United States, the self acclaimed "land of the freed". But after this, you'll know it's really the land of the greed.
Name: Ernest & Celestine (2014)
Language: French
Tomatometer: 97
Metacritic: 88
Type: animation
The most beautiful non-Japanese animation I have seen, white people can draw after all. A unique ink based drawing and sexy french language. A love story between a mouse and bear, the characters are adorable.
Name: Stolen Seas (2014)
Language: English
Tomatometer: 100
Metacritic: 71
Type: documentary
This is like the documentary version of the Danish film "A Hijacking" plus lots of background information. Very good documentary.
verdict: 8/10
The full sentence was:
"Fuck you and fuck your white ass mother fucking boss. Fuck you, Steven fuck you. You think you screwed me, you did not. You mother fucking white bastards."
lol, Somalian pirates know how to swear I tell ya.