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  1. D

    Assessment: Report

    I'm just starting my Report, I'm handing it in in.......... 11 hours 40 minutes. And I still have a geography assessment tomorrow to start studying for. Sympathy? Personally I'm finding this report looks like a whole lot of crap. Not much really influenced me, but boy will the markers think...
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    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    I find every re-reading (up until about the 8th or so) you just picked up on all these little details. Like Rufus Scrimegour is not first mentioned in book 6, and all these various clues about relationships, just small details. Oh yeah there was a guy who challenged me to a knowledge contest...
  3. D

    Alias's Return

    I missed it...will have to download. Love alias!
  4. D

    Scaling/moderation for different texts?

    "Doing the castle" isn't really a fair way to characterise retreat. In fact for retreat you have to understand the pomo concept you decry as so hard, because one of the main factors we look at are characters suffering the post-modern condition, and the recognition of "absolute truths" in the...
  5. D

    Scaling/moderation for different texts?

    No, you're ability to answer the questions gets you the mark not your module (Although some modules may lend themselves to less sophisticated responses, or may be more challenging to at first come to terms with, the end outcome is meant to be roughly similiar in work). Plus who says pomo is...
  6. D

    how many assesments do you have before trials???

    In the next week: HISTORY EXTENSION MAJOR WORK DUE 4u english report due Economics research essay due English speech due Plus geography and 2unit history assessment. All these in the last week of term. This weekends gonna be AWESOME.
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    Just so everyone knows, riverview lost the grand final to grammar last night :)
  8. D


    Yeah I'm in Grammar Senior A's, and I found out your school through your profile. Prepare for annihilation.
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    That's pretty damn good rankings. Riverview at 49th will also not drag you down...probably pull you up if anything, so yeah that's solid. I'd say high 90s. p.s. your school is going down on Friday :)
  10. D

    I need reassurance.

    It really depends on the "circumstance" as to whether it qualifies as an illness/misadventure from an assessment, which means they can give you an estimation. If you were to take it up the appeal process you would have to prove illness/misadventure to your director of studies if you believe...
  11. D

    Ten Reasons to Leave Iraq Now

    The morality of the invasion of Iraq is irrelevant. The costs of the invasion and WMD justification is irrelevant. The fact is we are in there, and the current debate accepts the status quo doesnt work. So essentially there are two options; gradual withdrawal (12-18 months step down) or a...
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    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Is it still perfectly good to pre-order? not sold out or anything? I want to wait as long as possible I am the most knowledgable person in the world about HP, but i dont want others to know that :) (BTW anyone at all is free to...
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    The Matrix or Leunig cartoons
  14. D

    Attention Debaters!

    I know, this is my 7th year :wave:But some of my (rugby playing, for example) friends would not agree lol Amylou: As if debating takes up too much time. The only gay part is losing friday nights. But you'd probably just be going out anyway, not really doing anything especially productive. Also...
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    Yep, sorry.
  16. D

    Is it possible?

    No, Better no maths, than general maths.
  17. D

    Official 24 Season 6 Thread (US Airing)

    Next season they're changing the entire format. As in they've said Jack won't be working for CTU, it will not all be set in LA, there will be NO ticking time-bomb nukes, biological threats etc... It will be a total reboot. I think that's really good, coz season 6 just proved that the...
  18. D

    Fight Club?

    Well... At the start he is clearly set up in the global. I think the most telling scene is the one where the camera pans around him and he talks about how "things" fulfil him, and has the price-tags underneath the things on the floor. But it literally makes him sick (His inability to sleep)...
  19. D

    Attention Debaters!

    Grammar undisputedly the winnnar Both our firsts and seconds ISDA teams are in the grand final (happening friday week) (i.e. they are at least the top 2 best out of every single private school) Both our firsts and seconds Eastside teams won the whole competition. (Beating out Sydney boys...
  20. D

    What time do you sleep n get up

    I'm at school before some of you are even awake :( For me, 11.30 - 6.30