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  1. K

    UAC books

    oh ok. so when they publish the 2004 uac guide, they always have a list of courses and the required uais....are they actually the cut-offs from the previous year's candidature?
  2. K

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    our school uses couchman, but my teacher photocopies sheets from fitzpatrick.
  3. K

    UAC books

    so, uni cut-offs aren't published until the hsc has finished?? i.e. the cut-offs for 2004 hsc students won't be released until the 2004 hsc is over and marks and uais have been calculated?
  4. K

    Searching for related material

    so as long as u can relate the text well to your prescribed text, u can do well, no matter what the related text is? i.e. u could use popular, contemporary american dramas (such as csi) or comedies and still do well? would "traditional" teachers/markers have a "grudge" against those sort of...
  5. K

    Organising Notes

    that 50 may have been a slight exaggeration....hehe. but on a serious note, my folder is stacked with maths notes from last year. my "preliminary maths" folder contains notes about 6-7cm high, let alone my "hsc maths" folder.
  6. K

    Searching for related material

    do markers generally look down upon contemporary films and texts? for instance, if u were investigating a theme of "appearance vs reality", would it be unwise to use "shallow hal" as a related text? it is related, but it's kind of a comedic and flippant film... and on that note...for crime...
  7. K

    Failing 3 unit Maths: How to Improve?

    wow. 4 cambridge exercises per week? does that include extension exercises, coz that'd be pretty crazy and hectic....what school do you go to?
  8. K

    Failing 3 unit Maths: How to Improve?

    depends what you're deriving and what you're memorising. some formulae are best to derive, while others are better to memorise e.g. no point learning to derive the "division of an interval formula", but deriving projectile motion equations is important.
  9. K

    Selective schools?

    "the option of extra sessions" is that after school? our school offers homework help one some days, but i think that's just about it.
  10. K

    Failing 3 unit Maths: How to Improve?

    on that one, however, i'll definitely agree. whether the elation of getting one right compensates for the depression of not being able to get one, is a different story... :)
  11. K

    Failing 3 unit Maths: How to Improve?

    whatever works best.... ....but for ext. maths in particular, i'd have to disagree. unless your teacher sets a lot of homework, i don't think it's sufficient just to do extra work only prior to exams. i used to do that in yr10 (and i still do for most subjects), but for yr11 and 12 u have to...
  12. K

    UAC books

    is that the uai of the last student who was able to get in last year, or is it based on the uais that 2004 students get this year? i.e. are the cut-offs only published after the 2004 hsc has been completed and all uais have been calculated?
  13. K

    UAC books

    i dunno if i'd really call that "steady"... +1.5 in 2 years. at that rate, i'll need 97.5 when i go to uni in 2006....doable, but definitely a harder slog to get there.
  14. K

    Searching for related material

    since the focus of the "crime fiction" module is the genre and the conventions of crime fiction, would the related texts generally also have to be of the crime fiction genre? e.g. arthur conan doyle, pd james etc? or could they be sci-fi/fantasy/comedy etc. but dealing with similar themes...
  15. K

    Organising Notes

    i think a lot of people have similar methods of keeping notes. i tend to store my notes from previous in a leverarch folder. at the moment, i have 4. i needed one for each of yr11 and yr12 maths on their own. at a rough estimate, i'd say my teacher has destroyed about 50 trees in the process. ;)
  16. K

    Is 14 units too much for the HSC?

    heh. there might be a life after the hsc. but for many, the hsc defines their life.
  17. K

    simple harmonic motion proof help

    well, if it were me, i'd rather just write in the extra couple of lines. if u have a strict marker, it may get u the extra mark. it came up in a recent physical apps assessment that i did. i did the substitution and got full marks, and the teacher gave us worked solutions which also included the...
  18. K

    simple harmonic motion proof help

    whoops. sorry. i made the edit in my last post....looks ok now. :) if u need further explanation, feel free to ask.
  19. K

    UAC books

    according to the uac website, they aren't released until august.... ??? :confused:
  20. K

    UAC books

    i wonder if bcommerce at unsw's gone up steadily (or actually quite sharply) since 2001ish when it was around 94.5