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  1. K

    how many people overloads

    a lot of them did 15+ units i think....according to that table....i might be wrong, but that's only from memory.
  2. K

    a big hey to all year 11 2004

    what subjects did u do?
  3. K

    Is 14 units too much for the HSC?

    depends where u work and what occupation u have. i'm sure some jobs (esp. in finance/business, medicine etc.) carry a lot of stress. maybe even more so that in yr12.
  4. K

    Searching for related material

    sometimes librarians don't know a hell of a lot. but i guess i could always try. some of them are only kids just out of school, which might make it difficult unless they did the same modules as u.
  5. K

    Searching for related material

    i've read "the positronic man", which was the basis of "the bicentennial man". would u recommend something like the matrix...? i haven't seen i,robot yet though :(
  6. K

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    i think if coroneos was published in a different font and was laid out a bit better, it would be one of the leading textbooks used by schools. coz it has pretty good questions. u could just learn the concepts from another textbook and then navigate to the exercises and do those. as for...
  7. K

    Business Assessment

    do u think u could send me a copy as well? i might need it for the hsc.... :)
  8. K

    Business Assessment

    i.e. times new roman, arial, tahoma.... i find arial is good for powerpoint presentations, but then again that's only my point of's worked pretty well in the past though.
  9. K

    What do you think about tutoring?

    i guess for maths (esp. ext 1), you have to look at the solutions (provided they're worled solutions) and try to understand how they came to that answer. at the same time, u could remember how they did it, but it's important u also understand each step. sometimes, memorising it helps you to...
  10. K

    UAC books

    Aug 2nd also happens to be the date that many schools start their trials....maybe that's where u got the date from...
  11. K

    Is 14 units too much for the HSC?

    for many people, uni is the best option... that's why everyone is so stressed out by the hsc - IMO, uni is probably the best form of tertiary education for many professions (not all, of course), so it's no wonder that everyone is anxious about results and doing well.
  12. K

    I need help

    just on that.... do u know where i could find some past yr11 papers for chemistry/eco/business (any of the subjects in my sig). there aren't many/any in the resource section on bos.
  13. K


    senior geography project - classmate told me today (at least i think that's what he told me)
  14. K

    Cramming my Memory in Two Days..

    try writing one or two practice essays and use the quotes in them. refer to them if u have to before u write them. the more u get used to actually using the quote in an extended response, the easier it becomes to remember them as u know the context in which u wrote them.
  15. K

    Economics - APRA and ASIC

    "the market economy" has a fair bit of information on each of the organisations regulating financial markets. we're doing it now, but i don't have a scanner. if u can get hold of a copy of it (if ur not using it already), then it's a good place to look.
  16. K

    Business Assessment

    as a thought... i'm using office xp and my school only has office 2000. when u save the .ppt file, click on the "File type" arrow, and save it as a "Powerpoint 97-2002" file...i think that's what it's called. if not, something similar. so when u finally give your presentation, it won't stuff...
  17. K

    Searching for related material

    at the beginning of the year, our class was discussing related material. one guy asked if we could "make up" a piece of related material on the spot if was necessary, and our teacher said u could. if u were very desperate (not a good situation), could u get away with quoting an imaginary...
  18. K

    Failing 3 unit Maths: How to Improve?

    are u doing the yr11 course or the yr12 course? i keep forgetting which people are in which years, and accelerants make it even more confusing....hehe.
  19. K

    Organising Notes

    well... not all of us got the fitzpatrick textbook (dunno whether they were stingy or just didn't count the numbers properly). and so our teacher photocopies every page from both the 2U and 3U textbooks. plus, i keep my past exam papers/solutions in there. all adds up in the end.
  20. K

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    i think that's couchman.....yr11 is orange and yr12 is blue/green. i've got just about every maths textbook available (except for terry lee i think), and i never get the time to read through all of them. main textbook is fitzpatrick, and cambridge is a supplement.