I know UTS is the best for communications and I was considering studying a combined degree there. My interest would probably be creative writing, however I don't feel prepared to delve straight into writing without studying a more traditional Bachelor of Arts degree and having the ability to...
Just wondering if anyone received the letter and is going and if so, do we need to give a short speech when we receive the award or whatever they present to us on the awards night. Also is it for HSC state rankers and PIP Awards or are there other people e.g. teachers etc. who also receive...
I was considering the option of transferring to sydney law school after studying a year of combined law (arts/ law most likely) at macquarie uni. I just missed out on the atar cut-off by 0.3 points or something so it is unlikely I will get a place at sydney law school.
However I learnt of...
I think I will be studying a bachelor of arts/ law or bachelor of psychology (hons)/ law at mac uni next year (though I'm still deciding between the two) and was wondering how flexible mac uni timetabling is and if you can choose to have all your subjects say on the first three days of the...
yes, university of sydney has the best arts culture. Also you can choose to study political science at university of sydney as opposed to being only restricted to studying political science at UTS which is more focused on just social and political science and doesn't allow you the flexibility...
I've heard of this degree and want to know more what it's like studying it, because I've read the handbook but it doesn't say much about what the course involves and the difficulty.
Also is there the flexibility to pick up some other art electives like languages, history, sociology etc.
I am looking at uni courses and while I'm not big on commerce like accounting, finance etc. I'm more a humanities person I thought it might be interesting to combine my interests in the humanities (arts) with some useful commerce skills, but I'm unsure if this is the right course for me. I...
I am looking for uni preferences and was interested in studying at Macquarie Uni a Bachelor of Arts and a bachelor of Laws. I like arts because I'm unsure what exactly I'm going to do but was wondering if you majored in media in the arts degree, is that the same as studying a bachelor of arts -...
I'm still figruing out whether communications is for me. I was interested in maybe writing, journalism or media but I keep hearing the stories of journalism as a dead end industry. I was thinking of studying Law and Communications but would like some feedback from other students.
I'm not...
I heard it when I went to an info day that they don't have exams, more practical stuff. Can someone elaborate on how the communication courses are structured then and are you allowed to choose electives from a range of different communication degrees. Like can you do creative writing in a social...
I'm in the middle of deciding preferences. I received a high atar which will allow me entry into both Mac uni and UTS however I am unsure which uni is best. I'm unsure what exactly I want to do in Arts but these are my strengths and I received HSC state rankings in these subjects.
Oh man, okay thanks for letting me know. I suppose that does make sense as there are probably quite a lot of applicants. I guess I'll have to decide between Mac uni and UTS now for law.
Hi all,
I was thinking of applying for an academic scholarship to Mac uni and was wondering if there was anyone else who was or has before and was successful. I just wanted some tips on what is the most important things in the application e.g. academic ability or extra curricular.
I talked a...
So I've gotten to the second stage which is observation for a position as english tutor at a coaching institution but I'm unsure how to prepare for it. Because I will basically be briefly de-briefed and thrown into a classroom and need to be able to learn on the spot and teach/ assist a group of...
Hi, just finished HSC and really need to build my work experience.
I've applied for a bunch of places like Target, Pizzahut, bookstores, JB-HI-FI, numerous pharmacies, coaching/ tuition places without any replies/ emails.
If u are 17 years old though, what types of jobs am I qualified for...
Hey, don't worry! I don't think they would give you a zero, especially as you didn't provoke the person to take your pencil and the supervisor did see that they had taken it, and that you didn't appear to have communicated with the student next to you. Besides, it was only a pencil, not like...
I wrote 3.5 pages for Mod A. I had really bad time management. Anyone know which band 3.5 pages will put me because I didn't have time to write a conclusion, I barely got down the last few words of my second argument before the examiners declared the dreaded words TIMES UP!
What was the P and H Source book picture of the two roosters in a mosaic at the House of the Faun and how did it relate to leisure activities?? I got confused and begun linking it to the idea of the gladiator entertainment and how pompeiians relished animal shows such as battles between...
It was the God Bacchus. He was wearing grape vines and he is a mystic cult, but yeah I was a bit thrown by the question at first and then I recognised it from archaeological evidence.