I've pretty much done all my trial exams now and it's been an absolute nightmare. I had maths recently which was weighted at about 40% and I think I failed it because I got so flustered after not being able to do so many questions and skipping it, even simple questions or "less difficult"...
Hi, my school started trials last week and so far I've only had maximum two hour exams. but this coming week I'll be having a couple of three hour exams and was wondering how I can retain alertness and sharpness as well as concentration for three hours. I already found two hours difficult to...
For Maths, it helps with summarizing content. I went to the summer school one, so it was a bit different, but I found that while I got some notes for the year it didn't overly help him. for example I went to a english advanced T.S eliot lecture where we got booklets with notes and questions, and...
Hi everyone,
Lately I've been really stressed out with all these HSC exams and assignments. I study really hard for exams because I stress out so much, but during the exams I tend to panic, and get memory blanks or not be able to think clearly impacting on how well I do. for example, a recent...
I am doing T.S Eliot and am struggling to make a personal response to the question. T.S Eliot is so packed with meaning and words. I have a test coming up and was wondering for tips to study for poems. Should I focus on the poetic techniques, his context or the ideas of his poetry more?
I'm at that mid-year crisis for the HSC, where everyday is basically a struggle and there just seems to be assessment after assessment and in my case a history ext. project worth 80% of internals due in a few weeks (yikes!!) and basically a HSC assessment at least every week until the end of...
Do you guys know any resources (sites, books, documentaries) that have substantial information of Ahmose-Nefertari Tetisheri, Queen Ahhotep II and Queen Ahmose.
Also, any key historians that deal with these particular women?
A discussion of the religious history of the Angkor Wat and its legacy
An analysis of the cultural and religious influences on the Angkor Wat. This could include architectural features, decorations, religious symbols etc.
I'm doing south africa for national study and nelson mandela for personality. My teacher says we don't necessarily have to quote historians, like we can quote mandela himself, or his colleagues, his family, journalists, prisoners who were with him, even groups of people like what a political...
I've been looking around for related texts but my concern is how to analyse a novel as a discovery related text in depth, for example, how should I approach the novel. should I write down parts where there is discovery and key quotes. also, how do you figure out what the techniques are...
Hi everyone, I just got back my midcourse exam for the english exam, a discovery essay on 'Go Back to Where You Came From'. I did terribly, I got only 9/ 15 and am really upset. What is most upsetting is that I really tried hard to fix the problems I had with practice essays I had done for the...
I've just got back my first essay for an assessment 1 in which I just scored 10/ 15, relieved that it isn't any worse, but also disappointed because it was bordering on a C range essay according to the teacher.
My teacher stated I lacked sophistication in my writing, for example I used...
I am preparing an essay on Richard III and looking for Richard next week and I was planning on doing three themes to explain how context influences texts including the exploration of Richard as evil and corrupt by the two composers, power and ambition and the power of language. However, I'm...
How many practice essays/ responses a week should we be doing for history subjects: modern, ancient, extension to improve, and ensure we can hit a 20-25/ 25 mark.
If you're ranked 18th in modern history, is it possible to still get a band 6 in the final exam, and can you beat the person who was coming say 10th in the final exam to get a higher final mark then them. Or does your ranking prevent you from doing so.
Because last year, there was a boy in my...
Also, does anyone know where to find resources on national study South Africa or Nelson Mandela apart from HSC Online, because the HTA study guides don't cover those topics which I think is unfair and biased, and I'm struggling to find in-depth knowledge that follows the syllabus and doesn't...
Just had midcourse exam, really worried. For the WW1 assess the usefulness for these sources on stalemate on western front, and the question was discuss the perspective, but it didn't actually say "and reliability", so I didn't discuss reliability, only perspective and everyone is saying their...
Hi, this is great. thanks. Just one quick question, when you say justify arguments with examples is that quotes, or can we just explain examples that in your case link to Trotsky's role in the Red Arm, with providing historical evidence or oral/ written sources etc.