I just realised how pale I have become since summer...
I had an awesome tan and now I'm like the whitest shade ever when it comes to foundation.
And everyone keeps pointing it out to me which makes me feel so self conscious hahaha.
I agree.
Of course the more attractive girls get hit on by guys, but thats the case with both sexes. People will always be judged on their physical appearances first. But I know so many boys where attractiveness isn't enough for them. They find some babe, hookup etc but unless they have some...
Ok there is a big difference between a guy having long greasy hair and another guy spending hours perfecting it.
Its just nice to have a guy that regularly washes his hair and keeps it looking reasonably ok ie, gets it cut every so often
I find that if guys have long hair its just because...
Yeah how long is considered 'long' on a guy??
Boys should never have really long hair, like ponytail length because they just look like fucktards. Plus, most boys rarely wash their hair and there is nothing worse then long greasy hair on a guy.
I love the idea of photos. Being able to look back at the past and remember all the good times etc.
But at the same time I hate them for that very reason. I'm scared I will look back at my photos and remember a better life then the one I'd be currently having and just wish to be back in the...
I'm really annoyed that I get annoyed so easily.
I seriously have no patience/tolerance these days. The smallest things are annoying me at the moment and I know I have no right to react the way I do but grrr...I just can't help it.
I'm just going to put it down to stress.
Yeah I'd make my kids do stuff at least until they are old enough to make more sensible decisions and stuff, but even then I'd strongly encourage and discourage certain things.
Yeah I'd have to agree to a point. I think she is being stupid and that if she really wanted to get out she could. But this guy obviously has some kind of hold over her.
My friends bf is doing this to her at the moment. He abuses her so much like hits her and pushes her down stairs and stuff. He has totally messed up her life. She was so sweet and innocent and now all she does is get fucked off drugs and steal shit etc.
Anyway, she doesn't have the guts to...
I've done it a few times actually, but it was when we were heaps younger and none of the relationships were serious so it wasn't that bad.
Sometimes it had bad consequences but once I realised I'd made a mistake I begged my friend for forgiveness haha.
But these days I just wouldn't go there.
- My ability to procrastinate
- When you are writing an assignment and you find the perfect way to word something on the net and then your screwed because there is no way you can make it sound as good
- I can't concentrate because I just want my boyfriend to come over so I can screw his...
I'd prefer he didn't look at my phone, not because I have things to hide, but just because he is my boyfriend doesn't give him rights to the personal conversations I have with my other friends because often they are confiding in me.
But if he asked, I'd probably say yes because we are really...
My parents didn't necessarily expected me to go into a certain field but they expected me to choose a decent degree that would get me a job and earn me a lot of money.
They always thought I was going to be a lawyer and for a while mum was pushing me to do accounting type stuff and my dad wanted...
I have really really weird dreams and I usually always remember them.
But lately I have been dreaming a lot about my boyfriend and unfortunately none of them are kinky sex dreams. They just involve me being suspicious that he is being unfaithful or that he actually is cheating on me. And its...
I don't aim to be either.
I just be myself and if I stand out or blend in then so be it. If I go out of my way to do either then I'm just changing myself and being fake. Which really defeats the purpose of being 'different' these days considering a lot people try and be all alternate and unique...
When my guy bestfriend gets jealous of my boyfriend and would rather see me unhappy and single than happy with my boyfriend just so he doesn't feel like I care about my boyfriend more.
And then when I get on a roll with my assignments and people keep coming in to talk to me and then I start...