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  1. S

    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Some drinks taste okay like lollie drinks haha but I don't drink because I like the taste is what Im saying. If I wanted to drink something because I thought it tasted good alcohol would not be my first choice.
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    yeah got one thanks but in comparison to other drinks im saying. like a coke compared to a smirnoff or some shit. whatevaaaa
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    hahaha right your really pathetic attempts at trying to make me seem like a trashy lil skank only work when there is a lil bit of truth behind them and there isnt.
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    lol okay think what you like. I guess we have different ideas of class. I have fun when I drink and when I don't. I don't really give a shit about the label judgmental little shits like you give me because in the end I'm the one having fun and your the one sitting there having nothing better...
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Uh nah Im not thanks. I just dont find the point in having something to drink like alcohol unless you plan on getting drunk. I mean its fairly expensive and it doesnt taste that great. So meh.
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    I just really drink to get drunk. I don't find the taste of alcohol that appealing so yeah I just drink whatever really. I try lots of different drinks mainly because I get so sick off one that I can't stand to have it again. I like shots coz they are quick and I'm such a slow drinker haha. I...
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    How to lose weight off my stomach

    I want to tone up/get healthier except I'm fairly clueless. I mainly just want to shed some weight off my stomach because thats all I think is necessary so I'm in the process of eating healtier and exercising more however I have a tight schedule so does anyone know some quick exercises I can do...
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    Q's For Girls!

    Yessss, I agree!! Fuck they smell good.
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    Bad GP Group Question

    We had the same problem, but we still managed to do really well. What we did was create a character similar to her personality so it didn't require her to be anything THAT different. So for example, she was always a such a nervous person and picky so we just put that in the extreme, added a few...
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    2008 Extended Response Question Predictions

    I reallyyyyyyyy hope its not on sydney or whatever. I suck at that, i missed it in class. But i got really good marks for the small town case study so i really hope its on that *finger crossed* and i hope the economic activity is the small scale one and the ecosystems if about management...
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    King Lear - Readings. Help!

    Far out I am so confused. Our teacher taught us NOTHING on King Lear. We literally sat and read through the book whilst watching the Richard Eyre version of King Lear. No wonder we all failed the exam. Would someone be able to some up what is expected? Like how the different...
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    actually....apparently there was a mix up as well and another group, so another 3 people, got preselected from my school also. I'm not sure if thats right but yeah. I got to trinity catholic college in lismore.
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    haha thanks nah i dont
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    Yeah my group got nominated. 6 people from my class got nominated. yay.
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    Teacher 'very dissapointed' with GP

    That would be really horrible :S After trials and showing it to the public my teacher announced to the class that a particular group peice was the worst thing he had ever seen in his whole 35 years of teaching or however long he has been at my school.
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    Who's going to Dramaworks?

    I'm performing =] Doing gp, we are the poster lol
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    2008 HSC drama students

    Good luck =] I have mine on Sept 4th & 5th. I'm kinda glad in that we get that extra week and a bit but its leaving it a bit late for my liking. Drama always takes over all my other subjects.
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    byron bay schoolies 2008

    People will still be partying in the last week. I live just outside of Byron and last year there were still heaps of people there around the 6-11th.
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    2008 HSC drama students

    I had my performance trials bit over a week ago. We had this mean bitch examiner and yeahhh. I went okay. Pretty satisfied with my marks considering I hadn't worked on my IP for five months. I have my written trials tmoro. Does anyone have any good info on contemporary aust. theatre? I have...
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    P&O cruises

    Who is going on one this year? I'm leaving on the 22nd of nov. Anyone else?