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  1. S


    Last year I met this guy and we became pretty close. About a month ago everything was going great, he wanted to be my boyfriend and I wanted the same except I chickened. I hate relationships so I was about iffy but then I decided I really wanted to be with him. Except I fucked it up because I...
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    Height in relationships..?

    Boys always have to be taller. Not just a couple of cm taller but quite a difference otherwise it looks strange.
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    Do you look your age or younger/older?

    I look really young. I'm 19 but people usually think about 15. Its always been like that though, like when i started at a new school in year 11 people thought i was in year 7 etc haha. I just have a baby face. But when I go out clubbing I look just 18 with all my makeup. hahaa
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    I've never done modelling but I've been told I should and photographers have asked me to model for them and stuff but its just not my thing. My friend though is a model. She's been in quite a few magazines and been to tokyo for it. She likes it.
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    A couple of my exs and I have remained really close friends even years down the track. Having saying that though, it did take time. Its good, I like it, and none of us are petty about the other seeing other people because its been so long since we have been together.
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    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    In highschool alot of the girls in my group were deemed sluts and they looked down on the rest of us for being virgins. It wasn't always direct teasing but the implication was definetly there. They still do it nowadays even though most of us are no longer virgins because they consider themselves...
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    Girl Image issues, and what to say.

    I agree ^^ I'm not 100% happy with myself but I prefer to keep all my insecurities to myself. The last thing I want is to draw attention to them by complaining about them. Besides, I've accepted that nobody has the perfect body, and neither will I, but if I do have issues I will prefer not to...
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    the pill

    I've been on Yasmin for about 6 or so weeks and I skipped the sugar tablets and now I'm on my third packet. When I was on my first packet everything was fine, but not long after I started my second packet I kept having brown discharge and its been 3 wks and it hasn't freaking gone away and its...
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    accepting my offer

    How do i accept my griffith offer? its really unclear and i don't understand.
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    Sci - griffith>UQ?

    I've recently decided that I'm interested in Earth Science and was originally going to change my course from commerce to science at newy (already accepted but defferred til 2010). However, I have now decided that I'm a bit iffy about going to newy and would like to study closer to home. I've...
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    Accomodation at Newcastle

    Re: best way of getting on campus accommodation? damn, im from lismore and was hoping to get a spot on campus but obviously my chances are slim. Ughh i think im gonna be screwed. I dont even know newcastle.
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    the pill

    "the microchip" A bit over a month ago I got the contraceptive implant in my arm. I knew the possible side effects and to my dismay I got all the bad ones. However, I was wondering if someone here would be able to tell me if over time my body will eventually settle down and get used to it or is...
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    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    According to this sister he has moved to Canberra and may be going to England to work. Either way he has turned into an arrogant asshole.
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    The First Kiss

    My first kiss was when I was 5 and I had just moved into a new house and the boy next door came over, didn't even introduce him, pushed me in my wardrobe, kissed me and thats all i remember. LOL But my first proper kiss was when I was 14, at my boyfriends house for a bonfire and we went inside...
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    is it possible?

    I got accepted into Uni of newcastle for B Commerce but deferred until 2010. I was wondering, am I able to transfer to another uni before actually starting at newy? lol I think its impossible but just wondering because I'd still make the course cut off to the other uni and yeahh...
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    if you could change any one thing about yourself what would it be

    Hmm I don't mind my eyes, I get complimented on them all the time coz they have like 4 different colours in them but I wish my eyelashes complimented them better so they'd stand out more. BUT if I had to have one thing phyiscally I'd say I'd change my tummy so it was a bit longer and had the...
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    Motivation for weight loss...

    God I really do not understand people like you. You have nothing better to do but come on the net and pay out people? fuck man get a life im not fat, and i dont think i am. In fact im petite. but there are parts of my body that im not entirely happy with and i want to change though exercise.
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    Motivation for weight loss...

    Hmm, I'm trying to find a motivator for myself but usually I have an image of what I want to look like, preferably before summer, one where I can just be confident and feel great rather than being to scared and self conscious to prance around in a bikini. That thought usually keeps me motivated...
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    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Yeah and? I am referring to alcoholic drinks am i not?