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  1. S

    Things that annoy you.

    When there is an issue with you and another person but they make it impossible to confront them about it because they make it into a huge deal when it could easily be solved. And when someone jokes around with you and you joke back with them but because it wasn't what they expected or it was...
  2. S

    How long did you wait?

    Ha I'm not looking for recommendations, I'm just curious. I was talking to a couple of my friends about it and they each felt differently about it.
  3. S

    How long did you wait?

    I'm not sure if there is a thread already like this, couldn't be bothered looking through them all but I'm just curious... If you've just began a relationship/fling with someone and your both previously sexually active, do you wait at all before sleeping with your new partner? If so, how...
  4. S

    Things that annoy you.

    Everything about my room mate. I can't stand the bitch. - She is the biggest slob. She has all these mouldy containers/plates/cups in her room from food that she has eaten weeks ago. - She is the biggest stinge. She won't do anything for anyone else unless she gets something in return...
  5. S

    GP & IP: What Did You Do?

    IP: A child reliving her fathers death in a messed up way. I used extracts from the book 'On the Jelicoe Road' GP: A group of scummy prostitutes in the victoria era and why they resorted to prostitution
  6. S

    Best part of your relationship

    Probably just always having someone there to either talk to, or hug when I feel like shit, or for sex. Its nice.
  7. S

    Things that annoy you.

    When your trying to watch tv and other people in the room have a really loud conversation so I can't hear it. Fuck, go somewhere else to chat.
  8. S

    Things that annoy you.

    These annoying bugs that just fly around my laptop and the light and bite me. Grr. Then i squish them accidently all over my notes. And I've tried bug spray but they are like invincible.
  9. S

    Things that annoy you.

    - Information overload...knowing you have to cram so much in but there is no more room left - People who don't rinse their dishes and just leave them there to fester. Gah - When someone wants something from you so they use that annoying whiny/trying to be sweet voice - That one person that...
  10. S

    what causes cellulite?

    I've noticed I have a tiny bit as well which freakin sucks balls bcoz i never used to have it. It makes me feel so much more self conscious now, especially when I sit down.
  11. S

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    There are things I wish were different at the moment, but I'm happy with where I'm heading and I guess overall life ain't to bad.
  12. S


    Actually no, as i said before we had agreed that it was okay if we hooked up with other people. He got angry because he saw, maybe thinking i did it on purpose to make him jealous?
  13. S


    Um, is that supposed to have been what happened? Because obviously you haven't read my original post. Ffs, we were allowed to hook up with other people, thats what we agreed the only reason why he is angry at me was because it was in front of him which was by accident.
  14. S


    I know its my fault okay, where did I try and say it wasn't? And in this post I've basically said I've kissed two guys, hardly worthy of the label 'slut' or 'gaping vag' so how about you shut the fuck up.
  15. S


    it is fairly fucking obvious but i didnt mean to. I went out, he said he wasn't going to be there, i hooked up with someone and he happened to see because he turned up. but whatever, i shouldn't have done it and i feel horrible for doing it but there is nothing i can do.
  16. S


    Yeah I understand that. Even if he still likes me I know there is no point because he clearly didn't want anything to do with me last night when I tried to talk to him and his mate was trying as well but even he said that he can't talk to him any more then he already has so its pointless...
  17. S


    It would be if I was trying to fix things or to avoid it happening again, but I think you will find my post is actually about me trying to forget about him. So...I don't really see how stop being slut will help me forget him?
  18. S


    It could, but I was aiming for more constructive advice.