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  1. S

    EAS Disadvantaged school

    For a disadvantaged school I believe it is 1 bonus point, if the teacher who me this last year was correct. For Youth Allowance I think it is 2 bonus points.
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    Is it possible to transfer courses outside of the internal transfer program dates?
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    Atar cut-off for B Arts??

    With EAS a friend of mine got into B Arts at USYD with an ATAR of 75. So as long as it does not rise and you get round there, you may be able to get in. But most Arts cutoffs stay round the same at each uni. But expect a few ATAR points up and down either way. Just in case.
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    UNSW to Central 891 and 895 bus stop change

    It's only from UNSW to Central. So you should see the station right in front of you no matter where you get off.
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    UNSW to Central 891 and 895 bus stop change

    Yep. MyUNSW in 'My Announcements'.
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    UNSW to Central 891 and 895 bus stop change

    We have been advised by Sydney Buses that commencing 24 October all 891 and 895 bus services from UNSW to Central Station will stop at the Chalmers Street bus stop, and not the regular Eddy Avenue bus stop, due to the installation of a new substation. This diversion will be in place until...
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    UNSW vs. USYD

    I believe you need a minimum of an 80 WAM to qualify for an internal transfer to law.
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    Two question about my ARTS3403 degree:

    Of course you can take new courses. Just because those courses aren't listed as offered in your handbook does not mean that you cannot do them and have them count towards your major or minor. That is just silly. You're right, no one would have taken the course if this was not the case.
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    Section 3 - Extended Response

    Two poems from Skrzynecki I think was meant.
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    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    I am dying to know what was in it. SHARE PEOPLE! What was the main area they focused on this time?
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    Dr Who

    What did everyone think of Amy and Rory's final episode?
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    Okay, thanks omnipotence.
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    Yeah I figured that wasn't the right word for it. Not work load. When calculating your wam for example, does the weighting of a course increase according to its lvl? Lvl 2 course is worth more in your WAM than a lvl 1 course? Catch my drift? Or am I still being unclear? Really sorry, the...
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    Hey guys, someone told me that the weighting (lol is that even the right word for it?) for courses is based on what level they are? So a level 2 course is worth double a level 1 course? Is this true? Thanks.
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    Tafe + University

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    Tafe + University

    Hi all, I am currently doing an education degree at UNSW but would also like to do a language (probably German, but maybe French) at Ultimo Tafe. Does anyone know if this will be really difficult? I think I am pretty on top of my uni work, and I only tutor during the week which leaves my...
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    TIRED of Vampire books -.-

    Re: TIRED of Vampire bookbs -.- Come on guys! Anne Rice's vampire chronicles are brilliant.
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    Dr Who

    Holy shit! I forgot! My bad...
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    Dr Who

    The thing that bugged me was the Daleks forgetting. It just seems so silly, like come on! The Daleks and The Doctor! No sense make that.
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    Dr Who

    Sorry should have been more specific. September 8th in Australia on ABC?